I begin to work full time, how should I do Wanikani in an effective way?

Does you work involve sitting at a computer? If you can get away with it do 15-20 reviews every hour or so just so you don’t have a massive pile to do when you get home. You could also take the odd “toilet break” and sit in a cubicle with your smartphone.

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Ye but what happened if u stop doing reviews during your session? u can just continue this later i know it’s stupid question ;p I will have like 2x 10 minutes during day, and 30 minutes for dinner break. I can’t have phone in my job so only 3 reviews plus 2-3 hours in home because i work for 10 hours from wednesday to saturday and have 3 free days so i wish I can progress fast. For example when i use genki books i can do 1 chapter per week in free days and review in work days, so it’s still efficient pace.

Schedules are tricky for everyone. WK seems to favor 4 hour intervals if possible but for some this is impossible. Jobs can get stressful and exhausting too so end of day reviews can be prone to mistakes (easy mistakes too). From what I’ve seen, people who are the most persistent with a routine are the most successful. Limited time can also help focus, emphasizing efficiency (quality over quantity). Sounds like you have something that works for you, best of luck!

As some people said, try using lunch breaks, do in the morning etc. If it is very important for you, you will find time. Is it easy? No it is not. i did my 50 lessons with full time job.

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