How'd you get your sect name?

*patpats* *offers hugs*

I always rooted for Michelangelo (and I think sometimes Raphael), and Wheeler, and Johnny Storm… I have a thing for jokesters (and hotheads).


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An adorable army is coming for you. You can try to fight them, but everyone you love will desert you, and you will be left alone in the world, methodically killing tiny tiny baby turtles with fire until you are overpowered by their cuteness.







:slight_smile: :turtle::pizza::turtle:


i like to give them a last meal before the the big burn


They’re so tiny! Too tiny to hold kanji!

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You know, I wonder, should we only burn sea turtles or are land turtles acceptable?

I would expect it is quite hard to burn turtles under water

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Not with an undersea welding torch.


I always wanted an excuse to pick up underwater welding


Baby turtles are too cute! :o I used to live next to a river and the snapping turtles laid their eggs near the bridge every year, and every year I waited for them to hatch so I could rescue all the ones that got confused and ended up going down the road instead of into the river.

I don’t know how someone so dedicated to turtle welfare turned into a turtle burner :\


That sounds amazing… Any river I might know? (I wanna go see the baby turtles! :turtle::heartbeat: :turtle::heartbeat:

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See, you could combine a well-paid, thrilling job with your holy duty of burning turtles.

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Nice sect name @abertssquirrel


I doubt it, it was a small river in the wilds of the north :wink: BUT I watched a snapper laying eggs at the Brickworks once, there are lots of them there.

Ooooh!!! The Brickworks aren’t too far from me. :slight_smile:

When’s a good time to go? (When do they hatch?)

HAHAHA!!! I only saw his sect name/title because you commented on it here. But yeah! XD AMAZERING! XD

@abertssquirrel - totally hilarious and awesome. It’s cool that you’re evil. ^_~


:smile: totally forgot about the fort! I had to watch this scene again on youtube. I can’t get enough of these guys, they are so funny! And the times with the chicken and the duck (or was it a goose?) were also definitely some of my favorites!

About your friends, I do not know about you, but I clearly notice that as I get “older” (I am 28), people around me just get less and less wacky, and the same applies to me… I had an extremely crazy student life, but afterwards it became more and more serious after we got our first jobs. I guess one has to grow up one day or another, even if it’s against her/his will.

Yeah, this one…