Genki Alternatives

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I forgot to ask… does the first Japanese from zero contain kanji- or does it solely have hiragana inside of it. because the first one just says “learn hiragana!”

Japanese From Zero assumes you don’t even know hiragana or katakana, and it teaches you one set of hiragana per chapter (katakana in book 2). This means that for the hiragana that you haven’t learned yet it uses romaji, which is either good or bad depending on how you want to learn.

I think there are kanji in the vocab lists, if I remember correctly. I think it gives both the full kanji version and the mixed hiragana/romaji version. But you don’t learn any kanji until book 3.


okay thank you :slight_smile: i was hoping to use it to strengthen my kanji and just over all knowledge so as long as theirs some kanji there it’ll be all good!

We used Japanese for Busy People in Japanese class in university and I think it’s a good alternative to Genki and much cheaper too (thought that might depend on where you live). The first book especially has a lot of exercise for each section, and I found it really helped me understand the basic notions well.

Just beware that the first book has two version, a romaji version and a kana version, so make sure you get the kana version.

The first book doesn’t have Kanji, but the second and third ones do

I bought the first edition of Genki I on eBay. I think I paid about 30$ for both the textbook and workbook. It was from a closed library so there were next to no notes in there. The audio files can be found online.
I didn’t find it too outdated. It has some words like tapes in it but the majority didn’t change much.
So buying it used would be my top choice.

In university we used Marugoto but I couldn’t recommend it. They don’t explain the grammar at all (only extremely shortly) and don’t have many exercises. So it is basically useless without a teacher or a book like ADoJG.
Before Marugoto we used Minna no Nihongo but I found it pretty boring and not very engaging. Also it gets expensive with the supplementary books which you need as the main book is entirely in Japanese.

No matter what choice you make, I would recommend to get this dictionary of Japanese grammar as they explain it in depth and also the use cases. It is meant for reference and not as a primary source though.

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