"Flesh&Blood" Vol. 16 - Pirate Series Reading Club 🏴‍☠ ⛵

Omg can’t wait :laughing:

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@pyororon, happy July! Just wanted to check in with you; I’ll be away on a work trip starting July 9 through possibly the 27th; I’m not sure what my schedule’s going to look like during all that, so wanted to check in with you regarding F&B.

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Sorry for disappearing for a bit, I’m currently out of town as well. My previous busy spell lasted until right before I left so all of my reading has pretty much ground to a halt. I’ll be back home around the 22nd and ready to get back to it although I’ll be trying to catch up a bit whenever I have the time until then.

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Would you be okay tentatively planning to start v.17 on August 1? We can definitely push back if need be, but I thought it might be nice to have a date to aim for.

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August 1st sounds good to me!

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I might not be able to make this date after all. My work thing ended on time, but all that meant was that I got to travel back home to work 11+ hour days. :cold_sweat: We might be at it for another 2 weeks I really hope not.


お疲れ様!That’s a lot of work, I hope you get some good rest once that’s all done.
No rush here we can start whenever things settle down for you. That gives me a little bit of extra time to catch up anyways.

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Excellent, thank you. :pray: I will keep you updated if anything changes.

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Finished the volume last night and I understand what you meant now omg that was insane :astonished:

Just some general thoughts (chapters 5-7)

Seems like there’s finally some hope for Geoffrey’s situation. Nigel and Kit have managed to get some dirt on Walsingham’s son and using this were able to at least get the guarantee that he won’t suddenly kill Geoffrey as well as to allow their petition to actually reach the queen. So far their plan seems to be to convince the royal court that Geoffrey is going to be essential in the upcoming fight due to his experience with fighting the new style of Spain’s ships. Whether this will work longterm to get him out or if it will only work as a temporary stopgap remains to be seen though since we didn’t actually end up seeing how things here ended.

(Chapter 8)

I wonder if Kaito will ever tell Nigel about his grandfather. Although I guess that would be a lot to take in on top of the whole “I’m actually from the future/another world” thing

(Chapter 10)

Looks like my worries were founded and the Geoffrey of this world did actually die in prison, which Kaito was understandably shaken by. So shaken that he let it slip that he’s planning to go back in front of Kazuya, who did not take that news well. Finding that out made Kazuya’s obsessive tendencies fully come to a head and now we seem to have full blown yandere Kazuya. :flushed: Now Kaito’s one ally in the present day is directly standing in his way of going back. I don’t know how he’s going to get around that, we’ve learned that Kazuya can be quite the schemer in the last few volumes.

So we end off this volume at a big turning point for both groups. Can’t wait to see where this is gonna go. Watch as the next volume opens up with some completely unrelated perspective again though lol

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Give me Vicente or give me death

Not Geoffrey’s death tho, plz

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o/ Would aiming to start vol. 17 Sep. 1 or so work for you?

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Works for me!

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