Flesh & Blood ~ Drama CD 4 Dissussion Thread ⛵ 🎧

Checking the listening challenge thread, you were listening while driving? or Just riding a car? Regardless, I still feel like it can cause distractions at opportune moments, meaning, you might miss an important word or grammar point. I still find that having a sit or lie-down with headphones and shutting my eyes, really helps with focusing on the dialogue. Less distractions is key, and that includes your eyes. Then relisten to the same track and I think you’ll find ways to pick up more and more of what’s being said. :slight_smile:

You can do it!


I can’t remember the details, but I do think it’s more than 1 CD.

just post what you have regardless of the schedule I feel. As it’s fresh in your memory. Don’t forget to ask all the questions! :slight_smile:

you’re right that this is a difficult CD in the lost, with the Royal Court arc just being full of more polite language and politics. Lots of stuff to keep track of as well. New characters, like Kit. I certainly didn’t get it the first times of listening. But, I don’t think it’s necessary to get it all. Just the main gist just as before. Keep track of what goes for Kylo & Co and you’ll be fine navigating even this. :slight_smile:

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It was driving in this case. I don’t normally do my F&B listening while doing so, I just happened to have a long drive that slotted in nicely this time. It was a good experiment too, I think, to confirm that the extra distraction of not crashing into people is probably detrimental to my listening comprehension. :thinking: Now I’m kind of excited to give it another go, but less distracted, to see how much I pick up.


CD1, track 4, scene 3
Back on Gloria, they’re sighting land again: they’re almost back in England!

Lol, Rufus is really using that whip to keep the crew in line! :sweat_smile: Meanwhile, Jeoffrey is being lax about discipline onboard, forcing Nigel and Rufus keeps the heat up on people to do their jobs. XD

But, Jeoffrey knows how to make an impression and orders everyone to change into their best clothes for their landing in Plymouth, making sure to be an impressive sight for the towns people that will greet them.

We now go into a bit of 16th Century male clothings-discourse, though nothing close to the focus that was in the books (which I’m perfectly fine with ^^') then talking about what will happen once they make landfall. Of course, Kaito wonders where he’ll be staying. At Drake’s place? Jeoffrey thinks his work-in-progress house building site will do, but Kaito disagrees, though, at least there is promise of Joan’s food.

before 6:20-ish?
Also, there is talk about something about a fine for wearing certain clothes? And Jeoffrey paying to wear as flashy clothes as he likes? I might have misunderstood this completely though. ^^;

Well, we learn quite a bit about Jeoffrey’s life philosophy here, as he explains why he wants to wear flashy clothes and long hair. ^>^

Jeoffrey also pinpoints Kaito’s personality from his first impression, and narrows down on the mystery around him, his secrets - which puts Kaito on the defenses immediately.

I wonder how many people they got to help out with the scenes of them landing in town? :thinking: I guess, they can have people redo roles to create a crowd effect? Dunno tbh.

We also, learn a bit about Drake’s drum and it’s meaning. It doesn’t sound very mysterious here, unlike the spooky feels from CD 1. :ghost: Instead, it’s a communications tool used from talking across ships for example.

Well, all is not going to plan though. As soon as they put down their anchor, Thomas Ward makes his way over to Gloria and boards, wanting to formally invite Kaito to London. There is no getting away this time! :fearful: Walsingham is clearly having ideas about Kaito. And there is no way for Jeoffrey to refuse right out, not when the invitation is from Queen Elizabeth herself!

The reason for Ward waiting for Gloria, is the captain that fled with his ship and had a loose tongue about the events, including about Kaito. >:C

Kaito is clearly terrified, but there is nothing but to prepare for departure, to meet the Queen of England, at Whitehall Palace. At least, he’s got both Jeoffrey and Nigel that are set to protect hime at all cost!

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CD1, track 5, scene 4

lol lol lol! XD It’s the Grance Entrance of Kit! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: and he goes straight for the honey, by kissing Nigel! :kissing_heart: :sparkles: :sparkling_heart:

I love how flashy Kit’s personality shows here. He’s in many ways more openly gay than Jeoffrey is, who still hides his sexuality a bit under the authority he wields as captain. :thinking: Well, regardless, Kit Marlowe is a treat in this story! I love how antagonistic Nigel gets here, while being quite defenseless against Kit’s advances! XD

I also love the ale house

We get a bit of info-mersial from Jeoffrey regarding Marlow, especially about his role as a spy for Walsingham, making him a suspect character, even as friendly he seems compared to Thomas Ward! Marlow’s public face is that of stage writer, and he’s doing quite well at it and his language use is especially extravagant for it! :joy: Not necessarily that easy to follow, but you do get the gist of the meaning. He’s got the hots for Nigel for real! Meanwhile, Jeoffrey, is a nope! :-1:

Though, Jeoffrey is ignored, Marlowe takes and interest in Kaito, who looks to Nigel for emotional support -which bemuses Jeoffrey.

Also, it seems like Jeoffrey relying a bit on Marlowe is the right thing, as he’s willing to tip him off how to make their appearance at court more successful, even with Walsingham breathing down their necks and all the court intrigue that Kit lays down for him. Basically, making use of the Queen’s interest, getting her on their side in any future power struggles etc.

Kaito, also gets a bit too excited about talking too a real cultural giant of this age and show a lot of interest in Marlowe’s writing - much to the surprise of Jeoffrey that wouldn’t assume Kaito to know much about Elizabethan theatre! XD Which also riles up Jeoffrey, with Kaito getting so excited about Marlowe. :rofl: Though, Kaito’s comment that “you rarely get to see Marlowe’s plays these days”, is a great example of Kaito putting his foot in his mouth again! :joy:

Still, Kaito’s interest is a bit of foreshadowing here, as Marlow says that Kaito can get in to watch the performance as part of the theatre company, even thought it’s performed at court, for personal amusement of the queen. :eyes:

Plus, Kaito’s off-hand commentary, suggesting he knows what’s in store for Marlowe and his future success as a writer, puzzles Jeoffrey, as he didn’t do any diviating to know this particular future! :eyes:

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If you wanna @eefara. We can adjust the schedule to include the last track of CD1 this week? :slight_smile: I’m now on schedule, so wouldn’t mind doing a bit more listening to be honest. Let me know, and I’ll update the schedule accordingly.

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Sounds good to me! It’s pretty much just the two of us, so we can do whatever we want. :sunglasses:

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Great! :+1: i’ll be updating the schedule accordingly later! ^>^

Edit: fixed!

This club ends at the end of July/beginning of August now.

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CD1 ~ track 6 ~scene 5


The nervous energy is real as this track begins. Kaito is about to meet the queen of England, but also his most feared adversary: Walsingham! :fearful:

I love how the sound really transports us to a great hall of. And how the music hammers in how serious the situation is. While we have new voices in the cast, for the officials and high members of court that are now players in this drama.
There’s a lot of internal monologue as Kaito explains who people are. Pretty hard to keep track off….>_>
Finally, Elisabeth makes her appearance: Kaito is completely star struck and loses his composure for a moment, rudely staring and now bowing. XD Thankfully, his silver tongue manage to catch Elisabeth’s interest. As does his unique looks, his bright red hair.
But, the easy questions of the queen, is quickly exchanged for Walsingham starting his more unnerving questioning of everything Kaito says; he’s clearly not convinced by Kaito’s story so far, especially not about the idea that people could live freely with various faiths in the same country: inconceivable.
But, more than anything, why was Kaito attacked but not killed by Vincente raises alarms. He’s clearly out to cast Kaito as a Spanish ally, but he also knows all about Kaito having predicted the future for lady Drake.
Walsingham is quick to bring up using torture and imprisonment in infamous Newgate prison as a means to extract “his perceived truth” about his allegiance to Spain, Jeoffrey is quick to defend him, but in the end it’s the queen that steps in and decides to take Kaito under her wing. Kaito is ordered to serve here as a court fool. dun dun dun

CD2 ~ track 1 ~ scene 6


The queen orders Kaito along with Jeoffrey and Drake to accompany her to her chambers, to speak of their latest campaign. Of course, Kaito has no wish to serve the queen as a clown, and doesn’t want to leave Jeoffrey and Gloria. But not even Drake has any way to go against the queen’s will.
Kaito is to live in the palace, but Jeoffrey promise to look into ways to take Kaito back to Plymouth.
Also, while the queen is quite accommodating to Kaito, there is no question that Kaito is to serve her, in the way she wants!
Jeoffrey tries his best to get into the queens best graces, much to Kaito’s worry, as if he’s about to be stolen away by the queen. But, Jeoffrey is strategically trying to get Kaito for his own for the rest of the day.
So until the afternoon the next day when Marlowe’s play begins, Kaito can go sightseeing.

CD2 ~ track 2 ~ scene 7


Next scene starts at an London inn, where Nigel and Jeoffrey have rooms.
I love how annoyed Nigel gets at Jeoffrey for not stopping the queen from employing Kaito as a fool, even as Drake didn’t stand a chance.
It doesn’t take time before Cyril barges into the pub and make a beeline for Jeoffrey’s lap, much to Kaito’s annoyance! >:
Cyril mentions starring in an upcoming play and Jeoffrey immediately realize that it’s Marlowe’s Tambarlaine (spelling). Que: Kit’s appearance, and he of course makes a beeline to chat up an annoyed Nigel! :joy:
Kaito is also feeling a bit lonesome from the other four’s conversation.
I can’t bother to type out all the relationship drama that goes on under the surface of this convo, but Marlowe pointing out to Kaito Jeoffrey seems not pleased with the prospect of not going out with him for sightseening, but following Nigel to their room, is clearly eating at him, even with Cyril as a distraction. Kaito might not think Jeoffrey cares for him, but clearly more is going on here.
dun dun dun
Kit has gotten Kaito’s gear’s going at least here, considering what his feelings for Jeoffrey might be about, love, sexual attraction etc.
In the end, Nigel also asks about Kaito’s intentions once they’re on their own. Kaito is very lucky to have all these people caring for him…though, they do tend to get overbearing about it. XD Not the least, Jeoffrey that is very angry about finding Nigel hugging Kaito for comfort after their chat. >: He really won’t take no for an answer now regarding taking Kaito out to town. And so off they go while Marlowe has orchestrated a trap for Nigel of his own: a bunch of prostitutes to keep him occupied! Poor thing! :joy:

@eefara I’m back on track finally. I’ve travelled to my relatives and is now having plenty of time to just enjoy listening to F&B! ^>^

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CD2 ~ track 3 ~ scene 8


Of course, Jeoffrey forcibly bringing Kaito out on the streets causes a scene and soon people are gathering, pointing fingers and calling Kaito names. It’s a very ugly scene for sure. :C I feel so sorry for Kaito here. It’s Jeoffrey’s fault, well lack of foresight, but he’s clearly also very upset by the whole thing.
I like Jeoffrey’s inner monologue here, he’s truly remorseful for bringing Kaito outside. He knows he did it out of jealousy. He’s honest enough to confess it all to kaito, which is respect. Of course, Kaito is not impressed by Jeoffrey having both Cyril and him at his call. In the end, Kaito reciprocates his feelings, though they’re full of worry about being thrown aside for a later lover. So, giving Kaito that sense of security and Jeoffrey finally get through to him. Though, the timing is terrible for this sort of thing, just as Kaito is about to forced to live at the palace. A blood vow is certainly a huge show of devotion, while Kaito is certainly more worried now than anything.

I think the more impressive show of faith and devotion, is that jeoffrey promise to not force Kaito into anything he doesn’t want, even as he’s got a very willing Cyril that would be up for anything (presumably), he’s willing to wait for Kaito to get on board with being with a man in his own time. That is true love right there. <3

Well, things end up with Kaito spending the night with Jeoffrey and some like kissing for starters.

There’s a big plot twist to this track. After Jeoffrey dumped Cyril, he drank his sorrows away and lost his voice. First thing in the morning, Marlowe barge into their room to borrow Kaito for the big performance in that same afternoon. :joy: Not to mention, Kaito will be playing the female lead. Well, he’ll get a possibility to perform for the queen and impress here. So there is that to go with this plan XD

CD2 ~ track 3 ~ scene 9


lol Kaito is welcomed with open arms by the stage people. I love these extra role voices! But, not so much by the other actors who are all nobles and certainly have little faith a Japanese guy playing his counterpart. Of course, Kit makes things easier by dramatizing how bad it is with Cyril and how Kaito is their savior for the afternoon’s performance. ^^*

Then suddenly, things get interesting as a BIG name is dropped out of the blue! :eyes: Though I’m assuming it’s done this way to not immediately make the Japanese readers realize who “good will” is. :grin:

Also, Kaito doesn’t catch on until Shakespeare’s name is mentioned in full. Kaito is immediately star struck as most would be to be chatting with this man…whose career hasn’teven begun yet from the sound of it. ^^

In any case, Good will makes Kaito presentable and helps him learn his lines. Something I didnt notice the first time reading about this, is that the scripts only had one actors lines not all of them. Which isn’t surprising. After all, it’s all handwritten stuff. So, Kaito will need to keep his eyes on the signals for his line to be said, while on stage. O_O Sounds pretty daunting, ngl

Excellent! I still need to listen to track 3 scene 8 for this week; will probably re-listen to scene 7 as well, since I wanted to type up fangirl Nigel thoughts about it.

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This is the last week. :scream: Where has the time gone?! I’m behind

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Me too! lol I guess we’ll just add some time for us to finish! XD and not start in on the next cd before you’re done. :slight_smile:

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Sounds good to me! I’ll see if I can catch up this weekend…

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Well, that didn’t work out. :unamused: I was able to listen to Scenes 7, 8, and 9 last night, however, and definitely intend finishing this week I want to see the play.

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