My apologies for not making a post sooner, as well as limiting my activities on the forum substantially, I have been solely reading the forums up until now.
I will keep this relatively short, I want to make this post as some sort of completion of this past year, that I finally reached and completed lvl 60. It shows that I don’t know the forum well enough because I could have made this post 3,5 days earlier ;D.
It was a hell of a ride, and I would like to thank the WaniKani-team for putting up a great learning resource like this and the community for all the support, the tips and tricks out there.
My prior Japanese experience was close to zero. I decided to learn Japanese a bit over a year ago and I found out about WaniKani early January this year.
I had no idea what I was doing up to and including lvl 5, after that I found out about the forum and read very helpful info. I decided to speed run it, with scripts obviously.
That being said, I will be honest here, I did have to cheat into Guru to keep the number of apprentice items down. It was going very well up to level 40-50, at that point I was doing 300-400 reviews a day, which was a fine number for me. At around 50-55 I was having a serious breakdown, nothing wanted to stick anymore and was messing up a lot of reviews. I seriously had to plow through level 55-60. This last week I was doing 600-700 reviews a day, which will continue for a while I reckon. My review style is punishing, I feel like it’s ok to let items go into guru for throughput, but be strict on failing/burning after. Often I felt like I didn’t know an item well enough and failed on purpose, or resurrected burned items immediately because of that same reason.
I have barely done any other learning resource aside WaniKani. I did Duolingo on the side for a while, so I have some very very basic knowledge of particles and sentence build at least. I tried getting into Genki 1, but I didn’t like it, maybe I will revisit it soon.
For the next year I will focus on all the items leftover in the WaniKani pool, grammar (books and/or Bunpro) and reading. Perhaps some Kitsun/KaniWani but I think I will leave this for later. I will certainly come back for the book clubs here, those seem very valuable in practicing reading.
Happy holidays everyone!
I wanted to mention one last thing. It is the forum style posts that sadly doesn’t work well for me and held me a bit off in interacting more with the WK community. I prefer a setting similar to a chatroom, something like Discord for instance, I think it could be very fitting to this community.
Some stats: