So, I’ve been wondering how to effectively use WK for my Japanese studies. Don’t get me wrong, I love it, and I do feel very proud of myself when I get those 100% on that longer review sesh, but it only does so much in the longer run.
I know that WaniKani is “only” for Kanji learning (and not shougi, how outrageous ), but it just made me think that other WK users must have a sort of routine or system for efficiently learning Japanese, and I am curious how they are including WaniKani in their studies. I am not looking for an exhaustive list of resource material like this one, but rather some of your own study tips, something like Leebo’s printout sheet for kanji study or similar stuff. You know, a bit like the ‘What I use to study Japanese’ page on tofugu.
Do you guys have a structured idea/plan on how to learn Japanese while using WaniKani? Like are you sticking to some text books series and just do one after another, or curiously jumping from one app to the next, trying a bit of everything? Do you do schedules which work with you work/hobbies/school stuff?
Please do tell me, I’d love to hear how you guys are including WK and handling you Japanese studies!