Drop your level up chart here 📈

I’ve heard it gets hard after 30 :thinking:


Hey what’s the script you use to see the breakdown of levels in apprentice and guru?

It will take a while before I will get there but I already know I will keep my normal tempo. Doing those level in 3 or 4 days is way too crazy for me :slight_smile:

Here’s mine - I try to keep my apprentices <100 in general. Level 11 was painful, but I seem to have picked up again recently …


Not many levels to chart yet, I doubt I’ll be able to keep up my current pace for the rest of the levels (the more complicated looking kanji and radicals of level 4 are already tripping me up and slowing me down a lot haha :sweat_smile: ).

wanikani graph


The arguably long level time on 九 is due to me realizing that speedrunning the kanji without learning vocab to reinforce them is a bad idea.
Thus, I’ve used the time to tackle the backlog of ~350 lessons,.
(I could’ve gone faster though, I guess.)


The first increase is when I went from 20 items per day to 15, and the second increase was when I went from 15 items per day to 10.

Level 30 was also about when I began to encounter a lot of vocabulary words I was not familiar with so I slowed down in order to increase my accuracy level. At first I wanted to “finish right away”, but then realized that it would be better to go slowly and actually remember it than to just rush through and forget everything right away. If I don’t use it I’ll definitely lose it.


I’ve slowed down lately partly because I’ve been reading more, partly because I’ve been having difficulty—just with getting myself to do my reviews, though there hasn’t really been a notable drop in accuracy. I tend to do level-up reviews and then burn reviews before chipping away at the rest, so I’m still making progress. Did not realize I’d taken nearly 41 days for Lv 21 though, that’s a lot for me.

These are my current numbers, with 66 lessons (just unlocked a bunch of vocab from the second half of Lv 23) and 162 reviews:


Might as well post it. Figured out how I wanted to use WK from level 5 onwards. 20 lessons a day from 5-60.


(Free levels grayed out because I wasn’t really sure I wanted to pay for the service quite yet, so I wasn’t nearly as committed)

My progress so far. I absolutely DO NOT recommend doing the 6 day 20 hour levels, they really mess with a normal sleep schedule. (Good thing I never had one.) I’m coming up on the shorter levels soon, lets see if I can keep the pace up.



This is the way. :slight_smile:


The variations are basically me being lazy and not levelling up first thing in the morning for the 4 + 8 hour reviews. The less than ideal situation is that on next level up I can’t do the A2 4 hour review before bed so that I sleep through the 8 hour wait to A3, but at worst I’m a lazy bastard and do the A2 review in the morning.

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Regarding speed run, it’s a matter of studying in advance, as well as having a good memory trick. (Simply repeating a lot, unofficially; and making/changing mnemonics for me.)

Nonetheless, I think extending a little (to 1-4 weeks, for example), without breaking or losing momentum, is a skill I didn’t have. I was pretty much 血眼, can’t take my eyes off this, (rather than perfect time for new items, and do immediately).


I’m sure you’ve heard it a million times but I’m also of the mind that consistency is the number one thing you need - I have been in love with consistent daily lessons since level 15. The 5 resets that I did definitely taught me a thing or two about what happens if I take a ‘short break’… All I do these days is hit this button before my morning lessons and try to do reviews as often as possible and WK is great.


Anyway, your pace seems very similar to many other people’s level up charts that I’ve seen, keep it up! :grin:


It’s pretty inspiring looking at a lot of these charts!
I just signed up for premium Today.
Hoping to get level 4 done quickly now I kind of understand how WK works.


I feel so bad about this I’m so slowwww——



Thanks… I had no idea this was even a thing… then again… I’m ‘new’…

I had a tough time being consistent in the beginning


A bit weird maybe, but on level 59 I procrastinated leveling up to 60… :sweat_smile: Had to 準備 my kokoro.


As for the beginning, I finished the free levels and was waiting for the next month of student loan payment to come around so I could pay for lifetime subscription :crabigator: In retrospect, I should’ve paid for a 1-year sub and waited for Christmas sale instead so I could get cashback thingie or what to call it. Either way, money well spent imo.