Here’s mine, hope I can keep it up. Slowish and steady is my aim.
I bought a year long subscription the day after Christmas 2023. I’m hoping to hit level 60 by the end of the year.
Seems I’ve found a consistent groove for the middle 20 levels. Hopefully, the vocabulary workload for the upcoming short levels won’t be too overwhelming.
You’re faster than everyone that never finished
Haha, true, I hope you will pass it before surpassing my level 46 “record”
@hotdogsuplex True, consistency is key, although I’d rather not check how many of my burned items I completely forgot already…
I survived. There was nothing difficult about level 10 in comparison to the others but I couldn’t handle the volume of reviews I was getting, and I have trouble concentrating without help, so this was bound to happen. I’ve decided to aim for 2 weeks per level. I think that should be manageable. The difficult part is having reviews pile up because you’re busy, lazy or exhausted from being busy, and you spend 2 or 3 days off WaniKani. It’s a negative loop.
Well. I’m level 40 now after that long level 39 spread over all summer. So I’ve been slowing down, targeting about 40 apprentice at a time, not doing N2-N1 in bunpro, and at most 1 or 2 new words in renshuu+anki mining. I’m using the extra time for italki, classes at a local language school, book clubs, podcast, and video.
I don’t suppose I’ll be level 60 by the end of 2025. Oh well, I already have pretty much no issue with the kanjis I encounter while reading. If anything, I’d like to re-study some of the ones I burned or some leaches to solidify things.
The current and previous levels have taken absolutely forever, pretty much all summer, not because of the difficulty level. It was just like any other level for me so far.
What really got me was that, after an event or two during the summer, I let myself fall behind. And that kind of just got worse. And then life just seemed to get a lot more disorganized, and suddenly, my entire study routine had to be redone. I would lose motivation and get frustrated. I would miss several consecutive days or reviews, sometimes over a week, and they piled up, and then I had to catch up again, and then something happens and I had to do it all over again. And lose even more motivation and get frustrated.
Thankfully, I’m finally caught up. I kinda had to change my mindset a little. And I was able to get back into my study routine with some modifications.
Home stretch! 10 levels and about 30-35 days to go.
I started Level 1 on December 1st, 2023. I might be able to reach level 60 in just under a year.
Doubling the pace in the last set of levels was certainly an adjustment. To keep up with the vocabulary, I have to add two batches of 15-20+ terms a day, once in the morning, and once at night.
Slowly getting back to it : kinda dropt off those last months it was complicated to carry on after this long, long pause.
Wait this is sick. How am I just finding out about this? Also these last 10 levels were a struggle it seems lol
i quite liked my email, i even saved it
Early days yet - but I’ll keep this post updated as I level up. Need all the motivation I can get for the long haul.
Aiming for a slow and steady 11-13 days per level. But the time per level is steadily increasing. Already know that LVL 7 will be atleast 21 days because of the holidays.