Does そうですね mean Yeah?

When I’m chatting with people, and they’re telling me a boring anecdote about how bad busses are, or the poor service at the coffee shop, I nod politely and interject “Yeah, yeah”, or “I see,” or “Hmm,” just to kill time until my turn to deliver a monologue.

Is そうですね like that, or is it something you say at the end of a logical argument?


I think そうですね is pretty similar to そうです in the sense that you would use it to agree “yes that is right”, “that’s true” or “that’s so”.

I would recommend listening to two natives talk, such as through Japanese radio and you will hear active listener techniques.

What I see hear most often are はい, mmm, and interjections such as 本当に.

I don’t know much about this kind of stuff as I’m pretty new, but that is what I have noticed so far, someone feel free to let me know if what I am saying is wrong.

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It can be exactly like that, from what I understand it’s costumary for people to use those kind of fillers while chatting to give the impression that you’re following the conversation.

I saw an article somewhere on this but I can’t seem to find it, but that’s the name for this sort of thing : 相槌


Maybe you were thinking of this?


That’s exactly the one! I totally forgot it was from tofugu !


I never thought my question would lead so quickly to cat videos! So cute. Thanks for the help. I will probably use Hai for politeness’ sake.


I’ve seriously never gotten the hang of aizuchi. It feels weird.

Every article is from Tofugu, don’cha know?


Yea it’s definitely a way to confirm to someone that you’re listening and that you understand, even if it’s used so frequently it feels excessive to an English native speaker.




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