Do you prioritize Lessons or Reviews?

A lot of the reviews I have are items to burn from level 1, still! I usually only have about 50 reviews to do, but the past few days I’ve not been able to do wani kani for more than 30 minutes a day so it has piled up a bit. This is both due to work and projects I’m working on at home. Fortunately, I don’t usually have 200 reviews! Also, I have a lot of lessons because I’ve just crossed over to level 7, so I’ve not had a chance to get through a lot of them yet as well as finishing off level 6! And I only use my desktop for wanikani, I’ve used the app in the past but I didn’t use it all that much as I preferred desktop version. I just need to get through all of this work and then I’ll be back on track!

Always reviews first for me as well, and I also try to keep my apprentice items to about ~100 items at all times. In other words: no new lessons if my apprentice stack is higher than 100.

Even that’s too much for me! Mine is currently at 67

I finish my reviews at least 3 times a day, every day. I have done this now for…154 days straight and should hit level 27 tomorrow morning.

I fight to keep my Apprentice items at or just above/just below 100. This last level, I pushed the number to 170 and was not happy and am unlikely to do that again, unless I feel like I have the time to spare. Even if it means not leveling up in the 7-10 days I have been.

I do lessons, when my Apprentice items are near 100 or below, in 10-25 lesson blocks. I find doing more than 20 leaves me with too many leeches because they don’t stick too well.


This puts a lot of things in perspective… at least for me :slight_smile:

I’d still like to encourage you to be patient a few more hours / days and get the reviews down first. Mainly since the first few apprentice level are timed for a couple of hours only. By adding new lessons you’ll have those items added to the review pile for at least three time within the upcoming 24 hours.

It is up to you of course. But since you already asked how other durtles take it… I’m on the snails trail when it come to taking new lessons. Give me a ~100+ review forecast for the next day and I’m already down for taking it slow… reviews first… lessons? maybe…

Anyway, feel free to keep us posted what you went for.

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I’m quite a slow learner, and I work a lot! So I’ve been on wanikani for exactly 215 days (I do it every day of course!) and I’m only on level 6 ;;;;

The way I look at it is, you are learning. Slow. Fast. Medium. Doesn’t matter.
You are learning. And the fact that you are dedicated to keep at it says a lot.

I spent 20 years of my life NOT looking at Kanji, or worse, pretending to learn, and I regret it, so I look at it every day with WK now so I can actually get to the end. But that’s me and I have the time (and my wife doesn’t always mind because time studying is time I’m not annoying her :smiley: )

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