On the forums, people always seem to say, the best way to learn kanji is in context.
So how about we add some context?
By that, I mean, let’s create a visual dictionary. Each image should contain an example of the kanji/vocab in context. What do I mean by that? Well, there are a lot of kanji you’re bound to see in use in Japan. Buildings, roads, signs, posters, websites- they all frequently feature kanji.
Take 入り口 for example. You’re pretty likely to see it as 入口 or 出入口 in real life.
So an entry for 入り口 might look something like this
in context: 従業員出入口
English: Employee entrance (and exit)
The photo should have an example of the vocab visible or strongly imply it
Avoid copyrighted materials like manga or anime (free promotional materials are fine!)
follow the general community guidelines
if taking your own photos, please obey the rules of the place you are in (ie if they say “no photos” please don’t share your photos)
please don’t take photos while driving. Either pull over or ask a passenger
if there is a vocab item for the kanji, please go by the vocab item’s level rather than the kanji. Please only use the kanji level if there is no corresponding vocab.
context: (国内)一人旅特集
English: (domestic) Solo Travel Special Edition
Doing it your way ((usually this style means more like physique))
context: 大きい魚影の島
。。。でも、ポケットが いっぱいだ!何かと入れ替える?
English: Big Fish Shadow Island
but your pockets are full! What will you it exchange it for?
->Exchange it
Let it go
“Please, practice self-restraint during flower viewing” (sign about social distancing)
It says something long on the right-hand side, but the first word is definitely 切手 please don’t replace this, but feel free to add additional pictures…
Level 7 wiki
Context: 金魚すくい
Goldfish fishing
(I recommend checking this one out yourself. Usually it’s a carnival/festival game where you scoop goldfish using a small, flat paper net)
context: 二人で乗れる!折りたためるタンデム自転車
((orange circle)) 約半分のサイズに!
English: Can be ridden by two people! FOLDING tandem bicycle
((orange circle))(Becomes) about half the size!