Descent of the Durtle into eGoooott - NOW AT B8!

Ok, I’ve found a library near me with a physical copy of what I’m pretty sure is the correct book. Guess I’ll go check it out tomorrow. Unless someone else does it first.

Dunno what I plan to do if it turns out to match the Amazon copy…


I think that’s the best bet. I don’t think there would be three viable words derived from the books using the same method yet the other books would be a different method. It may be that one of the remaining books contains a word and the others are decoys.

or not.


I got Japanese for Busy People, but someone already posted the correct page, right? Besides, now we think we don’t need it?

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ごめんなさい。m(_ _)m
wrong book, my bad.

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I have to sleep now - but I just want to tell a few more ideas I had in favour of saying the numbers in the Japanese a Spoken Language code.

    1. in the text to the problem it goes through ‘talk about dated’ (the stroke count date) to ‘key difference’ and ‘different type’ (the cipher we solved today) to ‘hearing that’ and ‘say them in the correct order’
    1. a similar thing occurs in the 天国へ行きたかったら… 死から開始 probably also means start from し〜4
    1. what I see is 168 いろは 19 one nine 1 6 いろ 5 5 5 go go go 10 to 9. … maybe go go go to nine
    1. what’s written at the last 9. on the page is haiiro no kuruma
    1. hai 灰 is also ash… burned turtles ? anyway it could fit with the theme
    1. it changes the 5 5 5 problem a bit

aaaaaaghhh I new it!! kind of how you do it with a cellphone keyboard!

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Can I say I told you so? :stuck_out_tongue: Kind of…

Is it possible that we might have unko + “egooott” or equivalent to be something like: “unkoegoo ott”
I know it doesn’t make sense, but do you get what I mean? :stuck_out_tongue:

unko is valid on its own. (Japanese for poop).

I know… but because the other doesn’t make any sense, maybe we can split it (spaces are required) and add it as a suffix of unko

Well… go for it if you can find a way to turn it into 2 words instead of taking the 1 valid word away :wink:

More confirmation of the right version:


So… egooott turle eating unko

could it be something like すごいいいい or かわいいいい??

If you use the string “Gakkoo e itte kimasu” you get "sGoooi "

Almost looks like Sugoooi.

Yeah, but I already tried everything I could think of and none of it worked

Sugo- ??
sgo- ??
sugo-i ??
sgo-i ??

All in english?
Incredible/amazing turtle eating poop

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Yeah, me too… Was just trying (pathetically) to make it sound like something.

It just doesn’t seem workable. And we even said that weeks ago just based on the 5 5 5 alone.

Different cipher or typo in the clue is all I can come up with at this point.

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This seems like it is a good track! Go everyone! ;3;