Confusion for Kanji in 投

So I’ve been using the old mnemonics for certain kanji that I had learned pre-reset. However, for the kanji 投, the reading it teaches is “na” for the old one, and “tou” for the new one. When I typed in na, it didn’t accept it. I’m aware that it wants you to learn specific readings when learning the kanji, so I was just curious if that’s intentional.

just for reference

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Did the answer box shake, or mark your answer incorrect? The shaking is intentional. They changed this kanji’s reading to on’yomi only.

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It shook, as it should. I just didnt know in the radical overhaul they also changed the accepted readings. Was that in that overhaul?


They changed a bunch of kun lessons to on at that time, yes.


Does someone have a count of the total on vs. kun reviews on WK now? I remember it being something like 1700 / 300 / 2 between on’yomi / kun’yomi / nanori, but I guess that’s an outdated number by now.

1729 on’yomi, 316 kun’yomi and 3 nanori, 2048 kanji in total


Which ones use 名乗り?

Off the top of my head, 輔 is one (reading of すけ)

Ouch, no vocab? The Content Updates team might need to redirect their efforts…

I know the 50s are newer, but no vocab?!?

None of the “typically used in names only” kanji have vocab. It’s not just ones that use nanori. There are like 15-20 of them, IIRC.

輔, 菅 and 叔 are asking for 名乗(なの)り.
一,大,太,谷,向,長,和,陽,河,清,航,介,樹,彩,輔,胡,智,菅 and 叔 have a 名乗(なの)り reading defined on WK.
亮,乃,綾,輔,駿,諒,莉,茜,遼,瑛,哉,蒼,瑠,菅,漣,璃 and 梓 don’t have vocabulary on WK.

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