How to defeat 1000+ reviews and 144 days of inactivity: Plan A
- Install WaniKani Reorder Ultimate 2
- Order reviews by level, then by type (level 1-9, Radicals - Vocabulary)
- Optional: Once items have been reviewed (pass or fail) in an honest, official manner, practice my mistakes via the Self Study Quiz so that when they return I will do better.
Plan: By starting with my oldest items I should have the highest success rate. Success feels good, and increases motivation. These should also be the quickest to answer, reducing the mountain of reviews as fast as possible, and making it less foreboding. This breaks my mountain of reviews into discreet, manageable piles of less than 200, giving regular rest points and smaller goals to accomplish. Finally, by renewing my understanding of the simplest items, used as building blocks for later kanji, I hope that later levels will be easier to remember/understand/handle.
Plan B: Drop some levels. Maybe. Lets see what I learn from Plan A first. Although I am aware that the later levels are where my accuracy will tank, and I may need to just relearn them bit by bit.
Level 1 reviews
Notes: 91% accuracy. I can’t remember what my accuracy rate was with randomly ordered reviews, but it was likely around 60%. 84% of level one items are now BURNED
Level 1 self study
Level 2 reviews
Radicals and Kanji, 79% accuracy. Vocabulary tomorrow. The next day: Vocab 82%! I am very happy with that!
Level 2 self study
Level 3 reviews
80% accuracy 275 burned turtles, 772 reviews to go.
The more items I burn the smaller my maximum pile of reviews. So if I have to stop WK again for a few weeks (or a month) I wont come back feeling that all my hard work has been undone. Although, I just added up all my items and if I am away long enough for all my enlightened items to come due… Well, that pile can get back to 1000+. Perhaps, if I get through level four, I will have enough burns to push that down a bit further
Level 3 self study
Level 4 review
81%! I was worried that my score would start dropping at level 3-4, but reviewing the levels in order really refreshes my memory. Although. If I get a radical wrong, I take note of the answer and then get the meaning at least correct when I hit kanji vocabulary - but that would be balanced by needing still to recall the reading with no hints.
P.S. 405 burns
Level 5 review
Radicals and kanji, 72%. Vocabulary 71%.
P.S. Over 500 burns! (513). 417 reviews remaining. Feeling a little more intimidated now, as it feels like each level gets harder and harder…
Level 6 review.
I took this level in two sections too, 81% for rads/kanji (51/63) and 70% for the rest (76/108). Subjectively, I am feeling a little more out of my depth, feeling that my errors are less “I almost had that! Just missed the rendaku!” and more “ummmm…” with a dash of “oh damn, I recognise that as a leach, shame I can’t remember anything else!” (Although, at least I am recognising those.) Obviously I haven’t been keeping track, so it could be in my head/confirmation bias etc.
Aim: to complete levels 1-3 over the next week. DONE. IN UNDER 24 HOURS. I was worried that I would be short on motivation, but no! I keep sitting down for another level! Perhaps I will 0 my reviews
within the week no don’t jinx it sooner than I thought!