The Wanikani Team tried their best to thwart me but they failed! They merely managed to extend my finishing day of September 23rd by an insignificant 260 days. That’s nothing compared to the age of the universe
I guess I just finished all of Wanikani on a random Friday evening in June.
Gotta be honest, it feels a bit weird that it has just suddenly ended. Wanikani was a huge part of my life, ever since I started using it on March 16th 2018. That’s a total of 1363 days. Almost 1/7th of my life. If I had spend one day a week since I was a baby on Wanikani, that would be how many days I would have spent on here. Christ.
But really, the biggest and most important part of my time here has been the community. I have met many people here, played fun games, discussed weird grammar, found out I had ADHD together with some, vented my frustrations, celebrated my victories, and just shared a lot of my life on here. Even though I haven’t been very present in the past year, I know that I have met a lot of people on here that I still consider friends. Thank you for spending your time here with me
Thank you to the WK team, the WK community, and my poor little fingers who had to type out all of the letters to get to this 終点.