Back from three weeks in Japan! Kanji is good to know!

Ooo, I noticed that too - I was the one reading off the Japanese menu. Trick was, it actually turned out our waiter spoke pretty good English, since she’d been studying at university in Australia for three years. She was impressed I could read the Japanese menu.

I visited Golden Gai, but I didn’t go inside. Not really a bar type, me.


Wow, your experience is so inspiring. How many years did it take you to reach level 60?

I just started 16 days ago and I hope to reach at least level 30 by the end of the year.

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Thank you! It’s inspiring to hear about being inspiring as well :heart:

It took me just shy of two years to reach level 60. Level 30 by the end of the year is, I think, possible in theory but will require lots of dedication. I wrote quite a lot about my experience with Wanikani in this post if you’d like to know more about my journey.


Studying in Japan last year, I was my group’s designated reader because my katakana/kanji proficiency was higher than everyone else’s. I loved practicing speaking with the shop staff at any kimono shops and other fans at visual kei lives. I talked for several minutes with a fan at a Merry instore in Shinjuku. Turns out that we were both fans of the drummer and had both attended their live event during GW.


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