Aria the Masterpiece Home Thread (Beginner Book Club / Aria Book Club)

I dunno. Some are fairly small, but not so small that I can’t tell what they’re supposed to be (though some of the aside comments are quite tricky). Got any specific examples you can nominate?

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My book just got here! Today was the earliest estimated date for it to arrive, so I’m happy. :relaxed:

Glanced through it a bit and I agree those aside comments are tough. I also had a really hard time reading the ゴンドラ furigana on page 23 (last panel, top speech bubble).


Yep, I had a really hard time reading ゴンドラ as well.

Don’t have the book at hand at the moment. Will give you a more precise example later today.

QQ: is this edition’s size the original one? or was it different in the original publication?

This, which I presume to be the original printing, is described with the same dimensions as Aria the Masterpiece (i.e. 7x5 inches, ish). I haven’t got a Japanese copy of Aria or Aqua to compare it to, but it’s about the same size as my Made in Abyss, so I guess that’s one of the standard manga sizes. That said, Monthly Comic Blade, where chapters were originally released, is described as being a bit larger, 10x7 inches.

By comparison, the Tokyopop translation of Aqua volume 1 looks like this…


Made in Abyss :eyes:

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Just a few more days until we start. Who’s excited?

  • I’m excited
  • I’m really excited
  • I’m super excited

0 voters

Those are the only options :stuck_out_tongue:


I’m でっかい excited.

… Which, I guess, is a reference people who haven’t read Aria yet won’t get until we reach Alice’s introduction. :stuck_out_tongue:

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I’m super excited.



I’m restraining myself from starting the book early by stacking a copy of よつばと! volume 3 on top of it :laughing: It’s… working so far…

So never? We’re only reading Aqua after all, and she doesn’t get introduced until Aria as far as I know.

Unless enough people enjoy volume 1 and we read the whole series!


I’m super very ultra excited :sparkling_heart::sparkles:!
I looked inside and it looked somewhat beyond the level of what I can read, but I don’t mind a challenge. I think I’ll emerge much smarter from this experience :sparkles:


I dare you to try and stop reading after just Aqua. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Well I’m probably going to read the whole series. But you said “until we reach Alice’s introduction”. :stuck_out_tongue:

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It is kind of small. I don’t know if it’s just me, but I need to use a pair of reading glasses to read it properly.

Hey everyone! Anyone knows a good source for onomatopoeia?

I know, I know, this isn’t important, but I can’t even imagine what sound “ゴウニ” is supposed to represent (on the very first page). And I can’t help being curious <_<.

ゴウン. It’s the sound of the spaceship’s engine (though this website reckons it’s used for washing machines, so I guess listen to your washing machine to get an idea of it). :slightly_smiling_face:


Oooh, that makes sense! The font looked like a ニ… :woman_facepalming:
Thank you so much, @Belthazar senpai! :sparkling_heart::sparkles:


Aye, dem fonts. One gets used to it after a while, but lots of exposure helps.


I’m so used to just ignoring onomatopoeia when they’re in the background. :sweat_smile:

Also, I haven’t read this that much yet, but I hear good things: