Aria the Masterpiece: Chapter 2 Discussion

Just gonna sneak in a couple more questions before chapter 3 :grin:

Page 74 / Seventy Four

Top-right panel, top text box


So, Jisho tells me that すべき means ‘should do’ or ‘ought to do’, and from the vocab list I’ve got that 記念 is ‘commemoration’. Does that mean the second line is essentially ‘ought to be celebrated’? The example sentence doesn’t seem to use it in that way, so I’m wondering whether it’s instead a grammatical construction I’m not aware of.

Bottom middle panel

ワクワク …getting nervous? excited? Just not quite sure of the exact nuance here. Full text:


べき is a grammatical construction meaning “should” and for some reason する+べき can be expressed as すべき.

I think excited, just based on the context and knowing what we know about Akari.


Chapter 3 discussion thread is here!

Mildest Spoiler Ever

Ah, yeah, that confused me at the time - I get that she says Aika’s name first, but she then goes on to introduce both in order :thinking: ah well, it’s not like it affects my understanding of any other part!

yeah, sorry about the confusion. Regarding ワクワク. There’s this vocab from level 51, 湧く(わく). It means “to boil”, but also “to get exited”. I wonder that is the origin of ワクワク or if just onomatopoeia. I can’t help but think they are related.

It seems to come from 沸く actually (ref)

Although some people think it should be 沸く湧く (not a serious ref)

No need to apologise!

記念 can also be “turning something into a memento”, according to Jisho, so perhaps “this ought to become a memento”?

Not entirely sure whether “should do” and “should be” are both represented by すべき, though…

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“memento” has to do with physical items, so her experience can’t become a memento. Now, Akari could be saying that she ought to do something to commemorate her first day by making a memento somehow. One of the definitions from Goo is 「思い出となるように残しておくこと。また、そのもの。」, which I think is probably the “turning something into a memento” definition from jisho. But I think this also includes the meaning of “commemoration” to an extent. (The only other definition is 過去の出来事・人物などを思い起こし、心を新たにすること。, which I think is unrelated).

する also has the meaning of “make”, right? So if すべき truly is just する+べき then theoretically it could also mean “should make”. So rather than “ought to become a memento” it could be “ought to (do something) to make a memento (to commemorate this day)”.

As the curtains close on my first full day on Aqua, this is how I want to remember it. (???)

A combination of both, I think. I know I’d be feeling both!


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Interesting that this thread got reopened, but somehow there’s no message indicating it. So, I’m just posting this to make it clear that it’s possible.
Also, I re-read some of the thread, and wow, it feels so nostalgic even though it was only one year ago.


Another interesting factoid: although 30 people marked themselves as reading this chapter, I would say 90%+ of the conversation was posted by people who ended up in the Aria spin off bookclub.

Hello friends!でっかい嬉しい that we are still going!


Feels like it was longer than a year ago for some reason.


In fact, so few individual people posted here that @system invited itself in the frequent posters list by closing the thread.

And yes, I think everyone who posted more than once actually went on to the spin off club, at least for a while.


Hi everyone! Glad to see this thread is still open, as I do have a question. :blush: I was reading through and became puzzled at this:

pg 66

What is the あーん part, and how on earth you do pronounce that あ with that dakuten?


It’s an angry noise :stuck_out_tongue:
I don’t really know how to explain how it sounds. あ゛is similar to あ, but deeper in the throat and more nasal? I don’t know if that makes sense. I’m sure someone like @Belthazar can find a clip on YouTube with that sound :stuck_out_tongue:
But basically it just means “whaaaat?


Well, not the precise sound, but I’m sure I had one for that similarly dakuten’d line at the end of the first chapter of Girl’s Last Tour, but I can’t, for the life of me, find where I posted it. It’s not in the book club thread for the first chapter…

That said, Wikipedia has a bit that covers it fairly well:

In informal writing, dakuten is occasionally used on vowels to indicate a shocked or strangled articulation; for example, on あ゙ or ゔ. Dakuten can also be occasionally used with ん (ん゙) to indicate a guttural hum, growl, or similar sound.

Dakuten and handakuten - Wikipedia


Thanks! Even if you can’t find a video, I was able to copy and paste the あ゛(since I had no clue how to type it lol) and get a rough idea of what it sounds like by searching it. Also, the link was helpful too! :blush: