[Android] WaniKani Reminders: A new app for lesson reminders

Hi all! Recently started using WaniKani and I thought it could really use a way to notify you when your next reviews are available so I built a super small (Android) app! It basically just shows you a notification any time new reviews or lessons unlock.

I’ve been using it for the past week or so and I find it really helps me stay on top of my queue. Any interest in a public release? Is this something that already exists?


If you still have this, I’d LOVE it!

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I’d be into this! I find it so hard to know what to do next and when I should come back…

I use flaming durtles and it shows in notifications new lessons and new reviews when available

Is there an app better than flaming durtles currently?

I can’t believe they don’t have any way to notify the user still. On my own I remember to do it maybe 2 days later…
I’d love a download for your simple app!