To expand a little I am just starting to have a play with wk.
Have used RTK and KLC in different decades and find myself wondering if I will prefer wk’s stricter approach to radical names and meanings (as I understand it at the moment). It appears they are immutable, ne?
Time may tell, if I prefer.
But it is disturbing to suddenly have a new meaning for a familiar morpheme e.g. prison instead of wrap (KLC uses elephants trunk!). So these tables are wonderful & my first thought is can I save them externally
Well, it’s stricter in the sense that you need to type what WaniKani is expecting into the box in order for it to accept your answer, though it’s also looser in that it treats similar-looking radicals as being the same, even if they’re different (like 礻 and 衤) but also treats dissimilar-looking radicals as being different even if they’re the same (like 火 and 灬).
You can add your own user synonyms if you like - these are answers that WaniKani will also accept as correct (unless it’s been told to explicitly reject it as being too wrong), but be aware that WaniKani’s radical names serve as mnemonic components when introducing kanji.
You should be able to just copy and paste them straight into Excel or Google Sheets or whatever without losing the table structure.
Bumping this so it doesn’t die!
Just started WK and was immediately so thrown off by the radical (re) naming – I like using mnemonics in conjunction with official names but not instead of them, so might not be able to make WK work since it just adds confusion for my brain.
Grateful for this post!
ETA: read about “add synonym” - hopefully this will be enough to help me use WK!
You don’t need to open up the tables, literally just select all the text in the post, copy and paste.
I just tested it with Google Sheets now and it works fine, though you’ll still need to neaten things up afterwards. Don’t have real Excel on me to test that, unfortunately.
(Side note, I just tested regular Excel, because I’m at work now and have access to regular Excel, and it works there too. Even correctly copied the images for the radicals that are images only.)