379 days of WaniKani and reading books

Thank you, I am happy I managed to inspire some people!

Here’s some other posts of people who also just read a lot and got to high levels fairly quickly.

-This guy spent around 500 days and through reading a lot of visual novels got a 160/180 on the N1.

-This guy spent 8.5 months (from 0 japanese) and got a N1 180/180 score, but he read for like 10 hours per day. Sadly his original Reddit post got deleted so here’s a video detailing what he did.

-This is an user from Wanikani who read a lot and got decent at Japanese. He differs a bit in how how I did things and has some different opinions but our sentiment is the same; read a lot, get good at Japanese.

Even though I and others make it look easy and fun, because it is easy and fun for us now, do not expect it be very fun at first. Reading while not knowing 90% of the words, knowing barely any of the grammar, not knowing where words end and start is really painful at times. But if you look up the words you do not know and read up on grammar you do not understand yet from time to time it will eventually become better.

Not only the difficulty curve is reversed, the “fun” curve is also reversed. It will be very hard and very “not fun” in the beginning. But as words and grammar become second nature, noticing that you can read things you were not able to read last month without lookups, recognizing a lot more words, rereading things and seeing that you understand so much more of the story, is when it starts becoming really fun. Especially if you read a lot and these improvements come by quickly.