金玉はですか? そうです。I have been fooled

Thanks to Wanikani I now know that anime series title Gintama (ぎんたま) was just a cheap joke on the title’s similarity to testicles (きんたま). Learned this at level 5. Japanese must have fun when westerners shout out how they love this series.


Here’s a QA about it in Japanese, where ultimately the answerer says “I wouldn’t say that there isn’t a connection.”


So, I mean, it’s not blindingly obviously meant to be that, but people who want to see it will see it.

The fact that the たま in the title is not 玉 helps keep the distance a bit.

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There are also many mentions/jokes about this matter in the anime. Even whole episodes. Probably in the manga too, but I never got the chance to read them yet.


This series is one of my favourites ever just for the amount of stupid word-play. Absolutely no doubt that 銀魂 is meant to make you think of 金玉… and in a way it might even be a play on the unbreakable soul/unbreakable balls of the samurai :stuck_out_tongue:


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