絞める missing audio

The vocab item 絞める seems to have no audio currently.


Hey there! 締める is on our list for subjects that need audio. :+1: We will probably get it added in a subsequent batch of audio additions.

-Nick at WK


But… 締める already has audio? 絞める is what the post is about. They have the same pitch accent, actually, so couldn’t you use the same voice clip?

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Hey, thanks for the reply! Just to confirm based off of what @FireSide_01 said - was 締める a typo?

Sounds like you are looking to add the audio though, which is great!

Hey @FireSide_01! Thanks for pointing that out, and yes ThePurpleOrange, 締める was a typo!

As was pointed out by Fireside, 締める and 絞める both share the same pitch accent (中高). The content team might already be intending to use the same audio, but I will let them know just in case they haven’t noticed that yet!

-Nick at WK

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