空の軌跡 // Trails in the Sky ⚔ Story Club・Week 23

Weeks 23&24 9th December 2024
Last Week Week 22
Next week Week 25
Home Thread 空の軌跡

The side quests are a tad more involved than usual. So this section is across both this week and the next. End once you’ve spoken to the 学園長. This is the next two (2) weeks.

Side Quests
  • 整備用カバンの運搬 hint: think back to the lighthouse guy’s criticisms
  • 古地図の調査 hint: inspect the minimap for irregularities
  • 探索の護衛 no hint, it should be straightforward
  • 燭台盗難事件 hint: you won’t need to leave the city
  • 旅行者の説得 hint: play to his ego

I’ve included some vague hints but not the outright answers.

All quests must be completed before talking to the 学園長.



Vocab Sheet , thank you to everyone who has been helping with this.

We also have an arts sheet if you’re struggling with the in-game version.

Please read the guidelines on the first page before adding any words.

Discussion Guidelines

Everybody should feel free to post and ask questions–it’s what makes book clubs fun! But please do not post until you are familiar with Spoiler Courtesy!

Spoiler Courtesy

Please follow these rules to avoid inadvertent ネタバレ. If you’re unsure whether something should have a spoiler tag, err on the side of using one.

  1. Any potential spoiler for the current week’s reading need only be covered by a spoiler tag. Predictions and conjecture made by somebody who has not read ahead still falls into this category.
  2. Any potential spoilers for external sources need to be covered by a spoiler tag and include a label (outside of the spoiler tag) of what might be spoiled. These include but are not limited to: other book club picks, other books, games, movies, anime, etc. I recommend also tagging the severity of the spoiler (for example, I may still look at minor spoilers for something that I don’t intend to read soon).
  3. Any information from later in the book than the current week’s reading (including trigger warnings that haven’t yet manifested) needs to be hidden by spoiler tags and labeled as coming from later sections.
Instructions for Spoiler Tags

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  • Be sure to join the conversation! It’s fun, and it’s what keeps these book clubs lively! There’s no such thing as a stupid question! We are all learning here, and if the question has crossed your mind, there’s a very good chance it has crossed somebody else’s also! Asking and answering questions is a great learning opportunity for everyone involved, so never hesitate to do so!

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Please use the chapter page numbers, instead of the volume page numbers. These are located in between the panels!

Discussion Questions

  1. What sentence/passage gave you the most difficulty? Feel free to request some help, or if you figured it out on your own break it down for the rest of us!

  2. What was your favorite new vocab word from this week’s reading?

  3. Was there any passage that you found particularly intriguing? Did it resonate with you (either positively or negatively)? Was it surprising? Offer any insight or new perspective? Was it just beautifully written?

  4. How did you handle the quest at エアーレッテン?

  5. Could you work out Phantom Thief B’s riddles by yourself?

  6. Which (of any) of the side quests do you think might have relevance to the main plot?


Will you be playing along with us this week?

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  • I have finished this part
  • I’m still playing the game but I haven’t reached this part yet
  • I’m playing this game after the club has finished
  • I’m no longer playing the game
0 voters

If you’ve already played this game but are still going to join the discussion, please select “I have finished this part.”

Don’t forget to set this thread to Watching in order to stay abreast of discussion!


These side quests were pretty great! Since I finished all this day 1, I’ll use next week to finally go to the tower lol.


Was worried this week might drag for me, but these are all pretty juicy story-wise and the way they bring back people we’ve interacted with in pretty much every case is cool.

I definitely think The Riddler will be coming back in some way. They basically wrote like they were testing us, and consider that they even signed it as 怪盗B. Are there others? It could just be an abbreviation, but I wonder if there’s a whole group of 怪盗s, which would be pretty cool if the plot moved that way at all. I know every week I say I’m suspicious of the mayor but that was on vibes mostly – this time for sure, the way they wanted us to not bother investigating the criminal, is very plausibly because the mayor himself set it up. Admittedly I look things up on occasion on side quests to keep the Japanese flowing – a lot of the clues weren’t so bad but I didn’t explore the town enough to check out the casino area and see the roulette table so red and black would’ve stumped me and led to aimless wandering.

Running into the 公爵 again was great though, and I got the answers right on my own. That whole scene was fun, and I love how everywhere we go he is inconveniencing everyone around him.

Didn’t expect the deep cut of the mushroom guy’s return, and I honestly forgot the beach guy – I don’t have anything too big to say about them, but it was neat going “oh yeah you!” and doing a little quest for them.

Lighthouse old man though! I got all the things for him (admittedly just looked up where to buy the fish, but the idea came independently since people nudge you hard) so I’m not sure how it looks if you don’t, but that quest was pretty sweet. I know I said he annoyed me before and someone responded they liked the characterization – I meant to maybe respond but I only meant annoyed in a playful way haha, he was meant to be obnoxious and they did it well. But it’s honestly really cool having this return where they emphasize how he’s probably a lonely old man, living remotely, unable to access the things he used to love. Taking those and seeing him soften a little is simple enough writing but it was super sweet.


I’m glad you enjoyed the side quests! I was a little worried at how long they were taking and how little time for main plot there was.

There is one detail, which is technically a spoiler, but in my opinion is mild enough and intriguing enough to share at this point. So, you can talk to 怪盗B throughout this chapter. Good look spotting them, they are in disguise.


Side Quests

All side quests got marked on the board with 短. So fearful, and I thought it was Week 22.

  • 整備用カバンの運搬: I’ve talked to everyone in town before going to the lighthouse. Still not sure if I have missed any bonus. I did notice something missable, though.
  • 旅行者の説得 hint: Save before start. Wrong answers succeed anyway (without bonus). My first answer was wrong, second right.

I can’t remember mushroom guy’s name, and couldn’t find the name in the old quests’ 依頼人. Maybe I just barely remember him.

I looked at a walkthrough for difficult-to-see map quest and Kaito B 1-3 quest. Who’s B? I couldn’t see them :thinking: Mayor group is outright suspicious.

I’ve talked to 学園長, then went to a long sleep. Not sure if I have missed anything. (Supposedly Week 25, though.)

The annoying visitor

What happens if you botch the dialogue tree with the 公爵?

Mushroom hunting in the mountains

That merchant we save in the mountain pass immediately leaves alone for Ruan when we reach Manoria, even though the monsters between Manoria and Ruan and significantly harder than those in the mountains!

This is a common discrepancy in RPGs where common people just travel normally between cities but for us it means fighting a bunch of monsters to the death.

Also he didn’t even bother telling his niece that he was well. Rude. I like that the game comments on that if you go talk to her though.

Now I just have to deal with the Mayor’s mansion. The main issue so far is that… I don’t know where it is.

The annoying visitor

ブレーザー becomes 無礼・ザー

It all ends well anyway without bonus points.


Same side of the bridge as the warehouses.


Ah ok, I didn’t find it at first because I expected it would pop up when I press “square” to show the various exits from the town map, but in the south sector it only shows the drawbridge and the exit towards the tower and the waterfall thing.


Same! What clued me in were the playing cards on the hotel’s facade. “Red and black”, of course!

I also feel that I got lucky to spot the “one eyed lion” thanks to the :exclamation: popping up while I was roaming the airport for the clue. I felt like this was the biggest stretch.

I also note that the last part with the タル called back to the lost key side quest. I wonder what happens if you haven’t done it already. Ditto for the various side quests featuring returning characters, do the side quests just not exist of you haven’t done part 1?

I actually remembered that the guy at the hotel/casino mentioned that the lighthouse keeper liked some food from manoria so I went through the couple of food sellers there but when no special dialogue triggered I thought I had missed something and looked it up. Turns out I had already bought the item previously (I always buy one of every dish from every vendor for the recipe) so I was already good anyway.

I saw this comment of yours a few days ago so I kept my eyes open but I don’t think I encountered them, or if I did I didn’t notice.

There appears to be some drama going on with the people working at the airport by the way, but I can’t tell if that’s related to a bigger plot or just some side content.


Oh, by the way, while investigating the theft at first I was mightily confused because I kept reading カード as ガード. Cue me desperately looking for that “guard” everybody was talking about and that was supposed to possess clues…


I finally went in the tower. I am indeed under the level recommended, but what in the world are those health and damage values on the enemies in the chest that warns you before the fight? :skull: Before we died I did manage to see one’s bar decrease very slightly from us using our strongest attacks. We only needed about 30 more turns at that rate, while being almost one shot per attack.

I’m still running around, but it’s kinda disorienting so thus far I think I’m missing the path to the top as well as the aforementioned rapier

Ok last edit: Adding to the post that I wasn’t finding it, of course, prompted me to immediately find it. Now I just have to hope I can find the way out, haha.

chest of doom

Wait I don’t remember that, I must have missed it, perhaps thankfully. I guess I’ll give it a try before we leave this region


Week 25 is now ready.