玉藻の恋 ・ Tamamo no Koi 🦊 (Absolute Beginner Book Club) - starting June 15th

That probably doesn’t come as a surprise considering I nominated this book, but - yeah, me too!

I’m looking forward to see what Mitokuma does next. I also really liked Ookami no Kawa wo Kabutta Hitsujihime (although I have yet to read the doujin spin-offs). Ningen ni Koisuru Shinigami-chan wasn’t really for me, sadly - far too episodic.


Yeah, I agree. I think the premise of 死神ちゃん is great, but I prefer things with a full story to episodic stuff. Plus there’s no ケモミミ😺


Time for week 2!

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I am trying to catch up, made it to page 28 and hopefully will catch up until next week… However, thanks for all the discussions, reading through it really helps understanding.

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Nominations are open for the next pick:


And voting is open for the next pick!

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With the end of this final week, the 玉藻の恋 ・ Tamamo no Koi book club is officially over! (But don’t worry if you haven’t quite finished yet - you can still use the threads to comment on the story and ask questions.)

And with that, a few polls!


Did you finish the manga?
  • I finished it
  • I’m still reading and I plan on finishing it
  • I don’t plan to finish it
  • I never even started
0 voters
How would you rate the volume? (1: hated it, 5: loved it) (anonymous poll)
  • ★★★★★
  • ★★★★☆
  • ★★★☆☆
  • ★★☆☆☆
  • ★☆☆☆☆
  • Unsure
0 voters
For our new readers, if you read the manga: How would you rate its difficulty?
  • No effort at all
  • Minimal effort
  • Moderate effort
  • Significant effort
  • So much effort my head might explode
  • I don’t know
  • I have read harder manga/books than this one but I still need to click a poll option
0 voters
If you finished this manga: Did you join book clubs before?
  • This was my first book club
  • I had joined the Absolute Beginner Book Club before
  • I had joined the Beginner Book Club before
  • I had joined the Intermediate Book Club before
  • I had joined the Advanced Book Club before
0 voters

(Select the highest that applies.)

If you finished this manga: What was your reading experience?
  • This was my first manga
  • I had read other manga, but only easier ones than this
  • I had read other manga or books around this level
  • I had read other manga or books that are harder than this one
0 voters
If you dropped the book club: Why? (anonymous poll)
  • I didn’t like the manga after all
  • The manga is still too hard for me
  • Reading took longer than I thought
  • I fell behind
  • I didn’t like how book club works
  • I didn’t understand how the book club works
  • The threads were too hard to follow
  • I didn’t feel like I was part of the book club
  • Other problems with the manga
  • Other problems with the book club
  • Personal problems that have nothing to do with the manga / book club
0 voters

And well, that’s it! If you are curious on what to do next, I made a post about that here:

Thank you all for reading Tamamo’s story with me. It was a joy to play host for you, and I hope I’ll see you all again in another book club!


why is it in decmials whatt? why are people counting how handled it is LOL? just say like 5% or 5.4% huh?