Wow… I did not expect that top answer.
After reading that, I’m kind of relieved that at least some of the answers say they don’t like it. Sometimes I still get kind of shocked at how much „lesser“ women seem to be perceived as.
Imagine saying the same thing to a woman in Europe or the US… I certainly wouldn’t dare, and I definitely wouldn’t expect anyone to take it as a compliment.
I actually looked up *なかりけり*
My thoughts exactly. One place that gave me a pause was なにかいいかわしている男たちの声.
Yeah, I also didn’t. It’s not that it got the most likes, I think, but the asker chose it as the ‘best answer’… For what difference that makes.
Another question asked after the discrimination inherent in that kind of phrasing specifically and so the answers are pretty consistent in that one. The top answer there is 「女性より男性の方が優れている」という意味になるからでしょうね。 白人が「黒人にしておくにはもったいない!惜しい!」なんて言ったらどうなると思いますか?, which aligns much more with my western sensibilities.
You don’t think “such bravery is wasted on a woman” is a good pickup line?