本好きの下剋上: Week 10 discussion

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Week 10

Start Date: October 17th
Previous week: Week 9
Next: Book 2, Week 11


Short stories (30 pages/ 10%)

Discussion Rules

  • Please use spoiler tags for major events in the current chapter(s) and any content in future chapters.
  • When asking for help, please mention the chapter and page number. Also mention what version of the book you are reading.
  • Don’t be afraid of asking questions, even if they seem embarrassing at first. All of us are here to learn.
  • To you lurkers out there: Join the conversation, it’s fun! :books:


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(First short story)

The rainbow eye thing seems to confirm that something magical is going on!

(Second short story)

It was fine I guess, but as of now it was kind or pointless. I wonder if it’ll serve a purpose later.


It’s there to contrast the old Myne/Urano with the new one, to show how self-absorbed she was and utterly uninterested in anything except books.


Also, it shows Shu wishing for her to go to a world without books in her next life.





I’m having trouble understanding the bolded part. I’m so unsure of even the pieces (seems like it’s very contextual) that I’m not going to break it down myself.

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Tried to answer

The first part of the bolded text means “Even if I [Fey] told someone [about it] they wouldn’t/didn’t understand”, and the second part points to the previous sentence and means something like “[the fact that Lutz] knows how to «deal with» [the angry Myne] makes me feel a bit relieved”.

That’s how I understand it :slight_smile:


Thanks, that makes sense! Also, where is every getting these not-standard romanizations to spell the names? Is that how the anime spells them or something?


Yeah, I had to look up their names on myanimelist :laughing: Haven’t watched the anime yet :eyes:

Maybe we should fill in the list of names in the OP of the home thread? :thinking:


I’m just going to keep spelling them with standard romanization or just write them in Japanese anyway. :laughing:


Don’t have much to say, just checking in to say I finished up this section (and consequently the book) moments ago.


It’s a bit literal, but:

“Even if I told someone, they wouldn’t get it, so… [now that] I know how to deal with her / what to do, it’s somewhat of a relief / I can breathe more easily.”


I liked these two short stories. Are you sure there is 30 pages in total this week? It felt so short. It’s the first time I read it in one go. I was sure they were 3 stories.

Short story 1

The first story was nice to give more background and details about characters other than Mayne. The hunting 魔獣 was kinda scaring me but as long as the 魔獣 is not a rabbit everything should be good. :scream: The hunting of the 魔獣 was interesting. Kinda gore at one part but interesting. We can see how for them something normal is not. I like how that world is making something normal something that is not for us. The name of fruits and animals does get hard to remember thought :cold_sweat: Lutz brother are getting less and less likable by the time.

Short story 2

That story was harder to understand but I managed. It was so cute. Mayne really could use some surrounding awareness. How can you not realize when all light goes down. Then she gets stuck more than once in a library after closure. I’m happy at least 修 was able to have fun at the planetarium. I share his despair with Urano. When I am doing a trip or shopping, I like to go into a book shop but not ONLY doing that. I was thinking maybe I’m passing too much time in book shop just looking around. Looks like I was weak-minded.

I will be hoping to read next volume with you guys


Just finished the second story and this has me worried


Well, we know books exist, at least.