Yeah… oops if I was on track then I think I could probably handle going up to three chapters per week, but (a) I’m behind and (b) the problem with having a schedule that you can just about manage normally is that as soon as you have an off week for whatever reason, it becomes very difficult to catch up again.
We could always vote again later on whether to condense the last three weeks into two, but I’m not sure it’s worth it just to save one week.
Especially because multiple people have said there’s some heavy/difficult content toward the end. So no, we won’t be voting again. It’ll be two chapters per week for the rest of the book.
I’m quite late to the party to join along with the schedule, but I’m going to pick up 時をかける少女 anyway since it seems like a good book for me to try reading. Any recommendations between the 角川文庫 or 角川つばさ文庫 versions? EDIT: Is the difference only the inclusion of furigana in the つばさ version?
If you remind me on Sunday I could post photos of the others in the appropriate threads (unless someone else can do so before then). Other than that first picture you’ve only missed three others so far, and one of those was quite a small one of some lavender plants.
The other difference is which short stories are included. We might read them after finishing the main story, but that would unfortunately splinter the group.