Lots of bits where I got the gist of what they were talking about but not any of the details.
episode 7
This looks to be a difficult one, so it’s just as much as I can get from it and not worrying about all the rest. Reading the topics first, it’s about how the school day is spent with the three topics being morning, lessons, and after school.
(00:00) Introducing as normal.
(01:20) First off explaining primary is 6 years from 7 years old, middle school and highschool are 3. You learn life rules at school and lots of homework and studying. Rules like study and do your homework and don’t be late
(02:50) Topic 1:
School starts early in the morning, about 8 which is when you need to put your shoes in the boxes. They’re talking about something about being late and how the teacher reacts I think? Tokyo time is different from normal time? Not only in the morning but also for lessons, I think saying about being late still.
Now talking about commute, やまむ said she bikes? Or, maybe that if you see a bike you know how old the student is. Most people take bikes or bus, but some people came via car.
Not sure what the せき bit is talking about but it’s inside the classroom. Seat? I think they’re talking about the teacher choosing where you sit.
(08:00) Topic 2:
How long are lessons in high school? きび said hers were 50 minutes, やまむ said 1 hour. Talking about how many classes and how long lunch is. Everyone in her homeroom was something.
They are discussing teachers, one came from America. きび is talking about her science teacher. やまむ about her art teacher. I’m not entirely sure what they’re saying about these teachers. きび mentioned normally they study in class with the teachers teaching, やまむ mentioned sometimes they’d have little tests.
I caught 犯人, maybe someone cheating on the test? きび thinks teachers are scary. Because there were a lot of rules to follow. やまむ I think was talking about getting into trouble, きび said she got into trouble once. She didn’t do her homework and the teacher was angry, but I don’t understand why this was a lucky/good thing.
(14:08) Topic 3:
One said school finished at 17:00, and then she had club for an hour and a half.
やまむ mentioned her club had piano, everyone in her school joined an indoor club. She’s discussing a few of the different once. At きび’s school, there were a lot of people who didn’t join a club. They had cram school. Talking that the schedules were busy, that it’s difficult and tiring to be a student. How talking after clubs, everyone would go to コンビニ and buy a bread. Price of something was 三百円.
At times there was no club, やまむ said that was only when there were exams. On saturdays, just hanging out after school. きび said on days with no clubs or 塾, something something teacher something something park. Something money, something spending a long time together.
I think きび said she did not miss school because of the schedule or something along those lines.
Next episode is about school as well.