I have to admit that I had seen the entire Anime series before reading the book. So while I didn’t know/understood every word or phrase that was in the Manga, I did have a general idea on how each scene would turn out, which did help a lot in understanding.
That being said I have to agree with you guys. It is quite difficult to read and understand, especially when there are a lot of colloquial, half cut of phrases sometimes. I am on rading “Yotsubato!” on and off on the side, and although it sometimes has similar issues (due to Yutsuba being a young child and therefore speaking like one) I found it much easier to understand.
But I might have not joined this club if I didn’t see the Anime before, so I am happy it turned out the way it did It was very enjoyable and the fact that we “met” every week to discuss questions and that there was an online vocab sheet to look up things really gave a much needed push to regularly read and examine the chapters. It was my first club and I had a lot of fun!
Thank you for the organization and management @Radish8 ! And thanks to all of you for being part of the journey and for your help with answering questions and just being there for fun and interesting conversations!