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Proper Nouns
Hiragana reading
Kindle location first mentioned
小川 洋子
the author
doctor (psychiatrist for 姉)
the narrator’s dog
Discussion questions
What was your favorite new vocab word from this week’s reading?
Did you spot any interesting kanji this week?
Was there any passage that you found particularly intriguing? Did it resonate with you (either positively or negatively)? Was it surprising? Offer any insight or new perspective? Was it just beautifully written?
Will you be reading along with us this week?
I’m reading along
I have finished this part
I’m still reading the book but I haven’t reached this part yet
I’m reading at IBC primer pace
I’m reading this book after the club has finished
I’m no longer reading the book
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It looks very interesting - also completely different from anything I’ve ever seen in a school cafeteria in this part of the world (though I confess, it has been a very long time since I saw the insides of one…)
Thanks, that is a better break point. The break point is page 172 in the physical version. Next week takes us to page 191.
This week’s reading
This was a real change of pace after the ending of the last story. All quite gentle and peaceful, I felt like I could be watching a Ghibli movie. Sitting on the engawa, patting the dog, watching the removal truck drive away…
The school cafeteria sounds fascinating. I was a bit surprised at the size of the operation. When I think of a primary school, it’s usually an organisation with about 200 children. This one seemed to be feeding over a thousand people if I read correctly. Loved the detail about the machine preparing the prawns.
My favourite image this week was of the prawns dropping obediently into the oil like they were under hypnosis!
Wow, I’m definitely going to read through the translation afterwards! Thanks.
This week's reading
Okay, now that we’ve gotten through the first two stories I am wondering where this one will head. Certainly there will be something weird with this religious man? Is the main character going to develop some feelings with him?
Since I was so far behind after my vacation, I decided to skip Dormitory for now and plunge right into this one.
This week
Off to a good start. I liked the slow beginning, filled with athmospheric impressions of the feeling of moving into an empty, old house and starting to make it yours. The scene where the narrator first meets mystery man felt wonderfully off and creepy, too.
I think the point is that he’s not religious, or at least he’s not the going-door-to-door-with pamphlets kind of religious the narrator expected when he suddenly showed up uninvited on her doorstep and asked her a weirdly personal question. But I agree, something has to be up with him. My mind instantly went “is there romance in the air?”, too, probably because the narrator’s fiance is so conspicously absent I can’t help but wonder if there’s something wrong with her current relationship.
Thanks for this. I’m glad I saw the picture just before reading the second half of this week. Otherwise, my mind would probably have conjured up some completely misleading pictures after reading about 鳥かご going round and round.
If anyone is interested in seeing the inside of a 給食室, the first video below is interesting viewing and relevant to the reading this week (and a bit of next week).
The place is enormous and prepares lunches on an industrial scale. There is a voiceover that makes for some interesting (but a bit challenging) listening practice
Whereas this video has a much smaller scale 給食室 - maybe closer to the one in the story. It is fascinating watching if you are interested in cooking, and the Japanese subtitles make for good reading practice!