ホリミヤ ・ Horimiya 🎀 👓 (Absolute Beginner Book Club)

If you ever struggle to read something, always feel free to post the page/panel (obscured with spoiler tags, of course), and somebody will be along to answer! :grin:

Welcome to the club! I look forward to having you here!


Came today!


Btw, I like to export these locally to Excel to customize. When doing so, the formulas for Wiktionary tab lookups on individual Week tabs break (they show #NAME? errors). The formulas are correct, so not sure why they break. If you click into an individual cell’s formula and Enter, the formula will correct.

I found a hack to get them all to work – select all cells in that column. Choose Data → Text-to-Columns. Then choose Delimited, but choose NO delimiters. Click finish – all the formulas should correct.

Not sure if anyone else does this, but if so hopefully this helps!


After this step, you should be able to double-click on the dot on the bottom-right corner of the cell to have it copy all the way down.

I’m assuming this will work based on my Excel knowledge, but I haven’t tried it on one this vocabulary sheet.

I don’t know why it comes out broken, but likely it’s due to either:

  • Sheets or Excel not following the document standard properly
  • the document standard having ambiguity in implementation
  • why not?

Or select all the cells and hit ctrl+D (= fill down).


Got the rest of my order in today

No I definitely did not procrastinate my order. The Horimiya books came in a couple days ago >.>


Waiting for this club to start is killing me right now!! :sweat_smile:

@ChatterBox Ooh, what’s that one on the left?


Good news, the thread will be up tonight. I’ve got plans over the weekend starting tomorrow evening, so I want to get all my book club stuff posted. :wink:


Oh thank god. :joy:


Japanese title is「薫る花は凛と咲く」, or “The Fragrant Flower Blooms With Dignity” in English (when that officially releases in like a year T.T)

The setting itself is a Romeo and Juliet-est romance between a delinquent and an absolute cinnamonroll of a human being who go to rival schools, which I know in-and-of itself doesn’t sound like any new. However, what really get me into it is the writing. None of the main characters are ever 1 dimensional and the author does a fantastic job of conveying the emotion of the story through the art. When I started it I was worried it was going to be very cliche but after reading to the point I’m at I still have yet to feel that way once about it.

Basically, I’m sold and I definitely recommend it :smiley:
This is my first experiece with the native Japanese version though so I can’t vouch for it’s difficulty as of yet.


Hello everyone!
I’m exited to get this thing going and see how long I can keep up. Got my book set up on kindle finally after getting insta-blocked on amazon.jp the first time I tried to buy it. Also got through the first weeks vocabulary using Koohi, so this should be interesting.


And the first week’s discussion thread is open!

(If I forgot something, let me know, and I’ll get it added; I’m pressed for time at the moment!)


That might be the best way to describe someone that I’ve ever seen.

I’m not entirely sure if that’s just supposed to mean they’re just delectable or they’re actually round and swirly XD

Putting this in here because I don't want to de-rail the thread (go read week 1!)

I usually use it to refer to a person’s temperament or personality, like: her personality is sweeter than a cinnamonroll. Or in the context of the series, personality sweeter than a pastry may be more fitting.

People use the term a million different ways though so if you think it fits it’ll probably work


First time I heard about Koohi…constantly discovering new stuff here :sweat_smile:
May I ask if you used the vocabulary from the anime? I can’t find the manga on Koohi :thinking:

EDIT: Ugh, I hope I can handle the crappy furignana in my eBook :sweat_smile:
Maybe I can get my hands on a print version…have to give it a try, otherwise I have to deal with the eBook.

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Worst case, you can try mokuro it, and if you ever run into a case, where the furigana is unreadable, at least you’ll have copyable text.


Aaaand again a new thing learned :sweat_smile: Thank you!
However, I’m not sure if I can read Bookwalker eBooks in a browser. Have to check that…

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You can, but this is a bit different. This requires you to have the manga as a folder of images. Kindle would be way easier to achieve this with, but, because @ChristopherFritz is a living legend, he actually has a tool to extract the bookwalker manga as that:

Having the manga locally saved as images is incredibly useful. I’ve used to run upscalers on it to somewhat increase quality:


Am new here! When I open the vocab, the meaning column is grayed out, making it illegible when printed out. Is it supposed to be this way? Thanks!


It means that that row wasn’t validated by a human, only that the automatic vocab sheet generator seemingly found this word somewhere, and the wordlist had that word defined somehow. This means, that it might not be relevant, or it might contain translations which are inaccurate.