コンビニ人間 🍙 Week 8 (IBC Primer)

Week 8 of コンビニ人間


コンビニ人間 (IBC Primer) :rice_ball: Home Thread

Previous Part: Week 7
Next Part: Week 9


Week Start Date End Page (PB)* End Kindle Location End Percentage Ebook End Phrase Page Count
#8 Aug 5 49 463 26% 菅原さんが姿を現した。 6

If the end phrase is bolded, it means that this week ends in the middle of a section/chapter. So the stopping point might be a bit rough and you need to keep more of an eye out for it.

Proper Noun Readings

Name Reading Notes Proof
古倉 ふるくら Main character’s last name Furigana
恵子 けいこ Main character’s first name English version description
菅原 すがわら Part time employee at コンビニ Common reading
いずみ Supervisor at コンビニ Common reading
ダット ダット Vietnamese, new employee
岩木 いわき Tall university student, employed on day shift, looking for a new job English version description
雪下 ゆきした Day shift employee soon to be leaving for a proper job English version description
ミホ ミホ Keiko’s friend from class reunion, week 6
ユカリ ユカリ Miho’s friend, recently moved back to the area, has a child, week 6
サツキ サツキ Miho’s friend, no children, week 6
白羽 しらは New, tall, skinny store employee, week 8 Furigana

Vocabulary List

Please note that this vocabulary sheet was created for earlier コンビニ人間 clubs. The PB (paperback) pages should correspond with PB page counts in our schedule, but the weeks and schedule table won’t. This was created for the original IBC schedule. Example: the vocabulary for Primer week one, two and a couple of pages of week 3 will all be under original IBC week 1, so in the week one tab.

Please don’t change this sheet to correspond with our schedule, but do feel free to add to the vocabulary sheet if it is missing something, please read the editing guidelines tab before doing so. :slight_smile: If you are unsure how to add something or which page it falls on, post it in the thread instead and we’ll figure it out together!

Discussion Guidelines

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  3. Any information from later in the book than the current week’s reading (including trigger warnings that haven’t yet manifested) needs to be hidden by spoiler tags and labeled as coming from later sections.
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Posting Advice

Obs! Do note that the physical version seems to come with zero page numbers (yes, zero, I saw none while flipping through a good portion of the first volume). So alternative means of identifying page might be needed.

  • When asking for help, please mention the page number (if you can), and check before posting that your question hasn’t already been asked. As the threads get longer, it becomes more convenient to use the Search function, which is located in the upper right corner of the forum. It is the magnifying glass which is near your profile picture! The best way to search is usually to type part of the sentence you are confused about, and select “in this topic”. This will show you all posts within the current thread which has that string of text.

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Past IBC Thread Links

This week is covered by IBC week 4 (most likely, they end on the same page, but I’m not sure if our phrase for week 8 comes before the end of phrase for IBC’s week 4).

Don’t feel like you need to look there to see if your question(s) have been answered before posting here. There is no obligation nor expectation that you will look there first.




So I’m a bit puzzled by the conjugation here
嫌われ and 好かれ

"The sixth store manager was idiosyncratic and disliked?, and there was trouble when all of the night duty staff quit in one go. In comparison, the 8th store manager was liked?? by the part-timers?

am I right to translate these as some sort of passive adjectival form? liked/disliked?

what is the れ doing at the end of them - does that turn the passive form into an adjective?


Is Keiko saying that although each of the store managers were different, they all ?combined to seem like a single living organism to her?


I found on jisho that 嫌われ者 means disliked person/unpopular person, so I believe it comes from that. Haven’t found anything for 好かれ, but I’m guessing it’s similar?

This section had some difficult parts indeed, I also had 2 I’m not sure of (until now):

Page 44: 店の方へ歩いていくにしたがって、オフィスビルしかなくなっていく

I found that したがって means “therefore; consequently; accordingly”, so I’m guessing in this context it’s something along the lines of “as I walked towards the store?”
I’m also a bit unsure with しかなくなっていく - I feel like there are maybe several grammar points I’m not grasping in here. I believe it’s something along the lines of the office buildings begin to appear (so なる+ていく?)

Page 46: 7人目の店長は気弱すぎて夜勤になかなか注意ができずに店がぼろぼろになってしまったので、少し口が悪くてもこれくらいのほうが働きやすいと、8人目の店長を見ると思う

I understand the part of the sentence before the comma… then I believe she is saying something along the lines of: “he had a bit of a bad mouth, but he was still easy to work with”. But the last bit is confusing to me - I have no idea what 見ると思う is doing here, or what this last bit in bold is trying to express.


@Domjcw I haven’t read this week’s part yet but judging from the sentences alone I think your interpretation is right.

As I walk towards the store, (the other buildings disappear and) only office buildings remain.



I think It’s the passive of the verb 嫌う and 好く (they were disliked/liked) in ます-stem (like て form, meaning “and”)

Yes. Although each is different, taken all together they are like one single creature. (her use of 一匹 is quite funny!)

It’s にしたがって from jisho “as X, then Y (e.g. as we age we gain wisdom, as wine matures it becomes more valuable, etc.”

Maybe rephrasing like this help ?
8人目の店長を見ると、「少し口が悪くてもこれくらいのほうが働きやすい」と思う (When looking at the 8th 店長)

In general with the ~と思う you can add some stuff between the と and the 思う to give some extra information


Yes that is my understanding too - though I had to stare at it a few times to parse it

オフィスビルしかない only the office buildings
オフィスビルしかなくなる it becomes only office buildings
オフィスビルしかなくなっていく it comes to be only office buildings


thanks!! I thought I was missing something. It is the ‘formal conjunctive’.
So, in case anyone else, like me, has never learned this bit of grammar - it is called 連用形 れんようけい
Really useful explanation here in Bunpro: 連用形 (JLPT N3) | Bunpro – Japanese Grammar Explained


Thanks everyone for the comments and breaking down the grammar - learning several new points I wasn’t familiar with :slightly_smiling_face: (and everything is much more clear now!)