ひいきびいき will be inaccessible after the end of May 2020


Thank you, for some reason my tracker decided to show me a random order of files at first but its there!

Sleepiness must have gotten to me.


Thank you for this! I just recently started listening to their podcasts and they’ve been so helpful. I’m downloading them from your link right now.

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Downloaded earlier today and I’m at 0.5 seeding ratio now. My internet’s pretty good so I’ll leave it open when I can.

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it’s working so far. I’m at 1.1% rn. think I’ll leave it running when I’m in uni :+1:t5: thanks again kumi ^^

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just a quick head up that the full audio of hikibiiki could be downloaded from @Kumirei torrent in this post (thanks again for your work Kumi)

it’s working good now with ~5 seeders. so if you are interested and have good connection speed let’s be another seeder. Just open the torrent file and leave your torrent app does its work in background. Please seed back at least 1:1

*side note for those who concern about copyright:
on their website hikibiiki states that their audios are under CC 4.0. That means we can share, upload with non commercial purpose, and with appropriate credit


Maybe @Torao92 would like to put the torrent in the OP for better visibility


Tried opus with 24K and surprised how good it sounds at about 20MB. Not sure if placebo but 32K sounded slightly better so maybe there is a threshold there.

Opus seems to be king for low bitrates Results of the public multiformat listening test (July 2014)

File size is important for my old sansa clip player :smiley:

EDIT: Great now I’m getting kicks from audio compressing when I should be writing my thesis.

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I remember having that problem about a decade ago… There was always something I could get more interested in than writing my thesis. :laughing: :sweat_smile:

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Any tips on how to put these easily on iPhone? Everytime I try to just move files to my iPhone it’s an effing nightmare. I just spent like two hours trying to add stuff to my library (local or cloud don’t know), it getting converted to the wrong format, files syncing in all the wrong ways between my phone and computer etc. On top of that I had to click on every file individually to tell iTunes that it’s a podcast. It was not possible even with two files. Try that with 400 podcasts. Sigh…

At some point the whole thing even just started to behave differently with the synced stuff. I really wish apple would get their shit together and create something actually usable. Where is my drag and drop…

I mean I’m an IT grad and have to google half of the confusing terminology they use in explanations in the options.

I usually just drop it on OneDrive or iCloud and then download them locally using the Files app. Then I can just play them directly that way through something like VLC from the ‘On My iPhone’ location. As you said, it’s too much of a pain to try to do the iTunes sync thing.

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Would it be worth it to download this, re-encode it and put a new torrent out, replacing the old? If it’s more than double the size it could be, it’s worth it in my opinion. (Yes, memory space is cheap but this might go on devices where it is more of a concern)

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Not sure at this point. People probably have preferences for different formats and converting between lossy files get bad quickly. Maybe better to just let people convert the files themselves.

If the torrent isn’t available I believe this little powershell script should allow windows users to download all episodes, except for extras:

PowerShell Script for normal episodes

1..280 | ForEach-Object { "{0:000}" -f $_ } | Invoke-WebRequest http://hkbk.fm/podcast_episodes/$_.mp3 -O $_.mp3

To run this you need to open your PowerShell and just copy & paste the command. Here’s what it does:
1..280 generates a sequence of numbers from 1 to 280
ForEach-Object { "{0:000}" -f $_ } formats each of those numbers to have exactly 3 digits (prefixing the appropriate amount of zeros)
Invoke-WebRequest http://hkbk.fm/podcast_episodes/$_.mp3 -O $_.mp3 for each number from 001 to 280 this constructs a URL (e.g., http://hkbk.fm/podcast_episodes/001.mp3) and loads the content at that url into the respective file (e.g., 001.mp3).

To download the extra episodes, of which I believe there are only 15, use this:

PowerShell Script for extra episodes

1..15 | ForEach-Object { "{0:000}" -f $_ } | Invoke-WebRequest http://hkbk.fm/podcast_episodes/extra_$_.mp3 -O extra_$_.mp3

Since I don’t have access to a Windows system right now, I can’t verify that these work, but I’ll do that tomorrow.

Here’s a script for linux/osx users employing curl since that is present on OSX by default.


seq -w 280 | xargs -I{} curl http://hkbk.fm/podcast_episodes/{}.mp3 -O
seq -w 15 | xargs -I{} curl http://hkbk.fm/podcast_episodes/extra_{}.mp3 -O


I think how advanced it is depends hugely on the episode though. When I started out (who am I kidding, I still can’t follow most of the episodes) I found the Minecraft and Hearthstone ones a lot easier to follow than the others. Probably due to me already knowing about the games and there being a lot of loan words.

Fun fact: I first learned the word 異世界 from the Minecraft episode, it was only later I learned that it was a whole anime genre! (They described the Nether as such)


I don’t have Apple products anymore, but I remember being able to mass edit the information of a group of tracks in iTunes by highlighting them all and control-clicking for an option like “get info” or “track info” or something like that. I was able to input album data for groups of self-made tracks this way, but never tried it for converting to podcasts. Sorry if you already tried this or it wasn’t helpful, I haven’t used Apple products in about a year so my memory is a bit fuzzy.

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Yeah, I tried that and the option wasn’t there when you selected multiple files like it was with one file.

I disabled iCloud music library as per my friends suggestion and now I’m able to do it :man_shrugging:


How would I modify that for Teppei podcast which is in the URL of(at least the later episodes):

https://teppeisensei.up.seesaa.net/image/Nihongo20con20Teppei23(episode number).mp3

Tried the following but couldn’t get it working.

seq -w 400 | xargs -I{} curl https://teppeisensei.up.seesaa.net/image/Nihongo20con20Teppei23{}.mp3 -O

Or maybe the server just refuses the connection since even on the webpage there’s a confirm button.

Ah I guess seq runs it in parallel and the server throttles me to a crawl. Better do a loop.

He does not add leading zeros for the episode numbers, i.e., you just need too drop the -w from seq -w 400. Then it should work.

Edit: Except that until episode 8, he used a different filename. So do this:
seq 8 400 | xargs -I{} curl https://teppeisensei.up.seesaa.net/image/Nihongo20con20Teppei23{}.mp3 -O
and for the first 7 it’s this:
seq 7 | xargs -I{} curl https://teppeisensei.up.seesaa.net/image/Nihongo{}.mp3 -O

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Yeah I had those already saved manually :slight_smile: That’s good to know, though. I think it changes again at some point after 400 :smiley:

I actually downloaded most of the episodes with youtube-dl, but wondering if the mp3 from the site has better quality… At least it has gone through less youtube-compression.