のんのんびより・Non Non Biyori - Beginner Anime Club 👩‍🌾 Week 1

Welcome to week 1 of the Non Non Biyori anime club !

We are watching this show as part of the Beginner Anime club.

Week 1 Starting October 26th
Episodes 1 & 2
Next week Week 2 (3 & 4)
Home thread のんのんびより

Vocab sheet

No vocab sheet for now.

Discussion guidelines

This thread is here to comment on your impressions of this week’s episodes and to ask any question you have regarding the vocabulary or the understanding of them :grin:

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  • I’m planning to catch up later
  • I’ve finished these episodes
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While watching ep. 1 I occasionally attempted to just listen to the dialog to test my comprehension without looking at the subtitles. I had forgotten that with Renge (as is often the case in other anime series where the VA is speaking as a very young person might speak) it can sometimes be more difficult to understand her speech than that of the other characters, because indeed she talks like a kid might talk (albeit a precocious and unusually outgoing one).

Renge does have a very cute and distinctive voice in this show - but I don’t expect it to be a significant problem for me to understand her going forward.

I looked up the VA who was cast for Renge ( 小岩井 ことり, Koiwai Kotori), wondering whether she may have voiced other young person roles, or whether this may have been a “one-off” - but after a quick glance I didn’t recognize any of the other roles listed on her wikipedia page. Evidently she was 23 years old at the time when this series was recorded, and she also went on to voice Renge in the later seasons.


And no, I’m not alluding to her trademarked “nyanpasu” shtick, which shows up early in ep. 1 :cowboy_hat_face:


Watched episode 1 there. Normally I’ve been watching stuff with Japanese subs, and sometimes alongside reading their counter part, but since this is rated as an easier show, I’m trying it raw.

It went pretty good! Even Renge wasn’t as hard as I was expecting. The hardest part was probably actually Natsumi speaking with her mouth full.

So it’s good reassurance to watch an anime raw without any kind of prep. It’s kinda tiring still the amount of attention I have to pay to achieve that, so still work to do however :slight_smile: I’ll probably watch episode 2 tomorrow.

As an aside, I forgot how pretty the scenery in the anime can be.

Even if sometimes the video compression does this to it

Those shots of channels and watermills amongst rural japan fields remind me of another, much less upbeat anime however :stuck_out_tongue:

Episode 1

I definitely see how people can fall asleep to this anime. If not for having to pay attention to the subtitles I may have drifted off.

The flute music adds a nice childlike touch, but I wish they wouldn’t play it during dialogue, it makes it 10x harder to focus :confused:

Right now my favorite character is Ren chan, she seems the most unique one at this moment.


Today I watched episode 2. It was much harder.

Not because of anything related to the Japanese language mind you, I’m just really bad at dealing with second hand embarassment :sweat_smile:


:wave: にゃんぱすー (is this just for morning, does it come from somewhere or just her thing?)
Is the name because she ends sentences with non or the other way around? Does anyone know if it’s just for the show or some kind of dialect?
I lack the listening comprehension and vocabulary to understand everything so even on easier shows there’s a lot of vocab I don’t know. The tanuki part was funny. On to episode 3.


The にゃん is the japanese version of meow, for the stereotypical cat noise. It’s just renge making up words because she’s a small child. The internet speculation on the ぱす part is it either came from おす which is a dialectal greeting, or from the last syllable of おはようございます. But since the show writers made it up and never said, there’s no confirmation on either theory.

I think the show name is in some way a pun on のんびりする which is to relax, though there’s also 日和(びより) which is like a perfect day or sometimes specifically about nice sunny weather according to Jotoba.

Finished episode 2, so here's a rundown of my understanding so far:
  • The teacher is Ren chan’s older sister and she sleeps a lot
  • The two brunettes are sisters, and they have an older brother that we never see for some reason
  • The school has a leaky roof
reply about episode 2

I thought the older brother got stuck in the floorboards when they mentioned that nobody walks there

Episode 2

Yah, their brother is the only male in the class. He has basically zero presence and never speaks, though, so it’s near enough to never seeing him. :stuck_out_tongue:


This anime has been on my list… probably forever, but I’ve never gotten to it haha. So this was the perfect chance!!

I can read pretty well in Japanese and love doing so, but listening is definitely what falls behind :sweat_smile: I can’t say in all honesty that I can watch simple anime like this with 80-90% complete understanding. So I figured with 2 episodes a week I want to try to rewatch the episodes a few times! And normally I put on JP subs, but I wonder if it would be better to push myself and not. At this point they might be just a bit of a crutch haha

I like the show so far!! I didn’t know much about it or what to expect, but after the first two I’m excited for more :blush: I feel like it’s one that I will enjoy more as we get to know the characters better as well

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