
Page 73

Christmas and New Year have been busy! Family time (making our first gunpla together!), and work (I’m a Tokyo Tour Guide and this week is super-popular) have been hectic, WK and BP have both been mostly on vacation mode, and I still have some catching up to do in this thread! But here’s a small stab at page 73….

パンダの ことを さいしょに 有名に,したのは, キリスト教を 広めに, 中国に 来ていた, フランス人の アルマンダヴィドさんです.

パンダの ことを - pandas, but not really sure what the こと is doing here (pandas as a thing / “about pandas”?)
さいしょに - 最初, beginning, outset, first + に
有名に, - famous + に
したのは, - する in past tense (made famous) + のは (nominalisation?)
キリスト教を 広めに, - Christianity + something to do with 広める, to propagate, ie. Christian missionary
中国に 来ていた, - came to China
フランス人の - French person + の
アルマンダヴィドさん - [Father] Armand David
です. - polite ending

Pandas were first made famous by the French Christian missionary in China called [Father] Armand David.

りょうしの 家で 見つけたのが 白黒もようの けがわでした

りょうしの - 漁師, fisherman + の
家で - house + で
見つけたのが - past of 見つける, to discover + のが (nominalisation?)
白黒もようの - 白黒模様, black and white pattern + の
けがわ - 毛皮, fur
でした - past polite ending

The black and white patterned fur was discovered [by Armand] in a fisherman’s house.

As you can see, I know nothing about nominalisation and passive voice, so looking forward to seeing how other people have tackled these sentences!

Oh, and Happy New Year everyone!