なぜ?どうして?科学のお話 - Wrap Up & Final Comments

I don’t know if people are watching this thread: @IgorTheGreat @2000kanji @cpage @matthewsa @skymaiden @nemurineko @tedledbetter @Kappa420 @Cathm2

ABBC is currently picking it’s next book. Whether we put a なぜ book on the list of nominations is being discussed and if so which one?


Yes, I am. But I will take the big step into the Intermediate Reader Book Club for
博士の愛した数式. I think that will be more than enough reading for the weeks to come.


Sorry im so late replying. I would be down for another in a few weeks as I just started the レンタル book. There are a few i think that are shorter which might attract more people. I think graded reader 3 would be good too, not sure how much more advanced it is than the one we just read though.

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I am watching, and I bought a couple of the others when I found them second hand, but I’ve left them at home (I’m away for a couple of months). If one of them gets picked, I’d probably read it, though I’m battling my way through other books at the moment.

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The poll is open to decide the next book. Click here to go to the poll in the Absolute Beginners Home Thread.

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Starting November 2020: 10分で読める伝記(2年生) - ABBC book club.