しろくまカフェ 🐻‍❄ Week 2

Welcome to しろくまカフェ Week 2


Week 2 3rd June 2024
Chapters (orig) スノーボード編・お花見編
Chapters (bis) 3+4
End page 20
End phrase 畑手伝ってほしいわ~
Pages 8
Last week Week 1
Next week Week 3
Home thread しろくまカフェ Book Club
Last Panel

Note this club is based on the originally published series. If you have the bis version the content will be mostly the same but there may be differences in page numbers and chapter titles


Please read the guidelines on the first page before adding any words.

Live Readings

There is nothing currently set up but if anyone is interested feel free to mention and we can set something up in the Discord server.

Discussion Guidelines

Everybody should feel free to post and ask questions–it’s what makes book clubs fun! But please do not post until you are familiar with Spoiler Courtesy!

Spoiler Courtesy

Please follow these rules to avoid inadvertent ネタバレ. If you’re unsure whether something should have a spoiler tag, err on the side of using one.

  1. Any potential spoiler for the current week’s reading need only be covered by a spoiler tag. Predictions and conjecture made by somebody who has not read ahead still falls into this category.
  2. Any potential spoilers for external sources need to be covered by a spoiler tag and include a label (outside of the spoiler tag) of what might be spoiled. These include but are not limited to: other book club picks, other books, games, movies, anime, etc. I recommend also tagging the severity of the spoiler (for example, I may still look at minor spoilers for something that I don’t intend to read soon).
  3. Any information from later in the book than the current week’s reading (including trigger warnings that haven’t yet manifested) needs to be hidden by spoiler tags and labeled as coming from later sections.
Instructions for Spoiler Tags

Click the cog above the text box and use either the “Hide Details” or “Blur Spoiler” options. The text which says “This text will be hidden” should be replaced with what you are wishing to write. In the case of “Hide Details”, the section in the brackets that is labelled “Summary” can be replaced with whatever you like also (i.e, [details=”Chapter 1, Pg. 1”]).

Hide Details results in the dropdown box like below:


This is an example of the “Hide Details” option.

The “Blur Spoiler” option will simply blur the text it surrounds.

This is an example of the “Blur Spoiler” option.

Posting Advice
  • Don’t be afraid to ask questions, someone else might be struggling with the same thing you are and its a great opportunity to help each other out!
  • Please mention the page number and book version (orig or bis) if you’re asking help on a specific section so people can find it easily.
  • You can search to see if someone has already asked your question!
  • Do join in with the conversation even just to share your thoughts on the current chapters.

Page Numbers
For the Bookwalker version of this manga, the page numbers and the location number are 2 apart. If you subtract 2 from the eBook location, this will give you the accurate page number!


Please use the chapter page numbers, instead of the volume page numbers. These are located in between the panels!

Proper Nouns

Picture Name English Notes
シロクマ Polar bear Main character, owner of the cafe
パンダ Panda Main character, lazy regular to the cafe
ペンギン Penguin Main character, regular to the cafe

Discussion Questions

  1. What was your favourite joke this week?
  2. What was your favourite word this week?
  3. Were there any parts that particularly stood out to you?


Shirokuma reading thread from 2019


Will you be reading along with us this week?

  • I’m reading along
  • I have finished this part
  • I’m still reading the book but I haven’t reached this part yet
  • I’m reading this book after the club has finished
  • I’m no longer reading the book
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If you’ve already read this book but are still going to join the discussion, please select “I have finished this part.”

Don’t forget to set this thread to Watching to get updates on the discussion!


For those like me who aren’t familiar with ゴルゴ:

p19 text on bottle

南極 芋焼酎 (Antarctica sweet potato liquor)

My favourite word this week was

芋焼酎 (いまじょうちゅう) sweet potato shōchū. Once I’d managed to decipher what it said on the side of penguin’s bottle. I like trying unusual Japanese drinks. While this one sounds a bit funky, I fancy tasting it next time I see it on a menu. Although wouldn’t want to buy a whole bottle!

Also like the idea of Polar Beer :beer:

This week was so funny, really liked the dancing scenes!


I wonder how they grow 芋 over there…


I think it’s all just branding. I think made in Japan and they just stick the Antarctica name on it to make it more attractive to penguins.


ゴルゴ: Ah thanks, I had just added that to the vocab list hoping that someone could fill it in. Still not sure what to write in for it though, lol

Lot of the other words:
The furigana in my copy is so small I have better luck trying to guess the radical and number of strokes and look things up that way. But I made it through with only a few look-ups (mostly related to the puns, as usual)


Don’t forget the manga series, running since 1968 and still ongoing. (The mangaka passed away a few years ago in his 80’s.)


That’s wild! I’m putting the first volume on my wishlist.

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I love polar bear’s antics
Silly bear in his hat

pg.15 Panda is super graceful
pg. 17 Our first time meeting penguin!
pg. 18 Polar bear’s hula is my favourite

Added some of the definitions to the vocab list
目イボ - eye wart
ジェンカ - A Finnish folk dance


Thank you for that! I couldn’t find it in my dictionary and didn’t bother researching further.


Can I just check that people realise there is already a fairly complete vocab sheet for this manga from when it was read in 2019? It looks like a new spreadsheet has been started for this club but that would be needless extra work. One of the pleasures of a reread is having a vocab spreadsheet that’s already ready to go!


My favourite part is

penguin saying he collapsed from all the bad puns :laughing:

And the drinks
are great fun. I’m enjoying this a lot.


my friend told me once that Shall We Dance was so popular and well loved… and so I watched what I found first, the 2004 Richard Gear wondering what the Heck was she talking about this has nothing to do with Japan :sweat_smile: and now seeing it come up again here I discovered it was originally a 1996 Japanese rom com Shall We Dance :joy:


As for the second-last panel on page 19, I would be remiss if I didn’t just drop this link here… Though, I personally prefer this rendition, especially at 2:20. Enjoy! :grin:

EDIT: Kind of falling into a rabbit hole here…


Nice one, I wouldn’t have got that reference

This will haunt me :joy:


Oh man I’ve seen that dozens of times and the adaptations to TV commercials are still playing in Japan to this day. I think I’ve seen Matsuken reprise his Ole! song hundreds of times. And I didn’t catch on that was what Panda was doing.


Ah, my hand slipped and I bought all 4 volumes. Luckily this read shouldn’t be too hard to keep up with :polar_bear:


Week 3 is the magic number :mage: :magic_wand: