What are your goals for Japanese in 2022 and have you been able to reach your goals for 2021?

That sounds kinda like my start ^^
Don’t mind the person telling you off for “only” being lvl 12… I was waiting on lvl 4 for the lifetime sale, so I’m only at lvl 5 despite starting in August… there’s no point rushing… there’s no point “clearing” a lvl only to forget it a week later because it wasrushed…


Yeah, I understand. It got mildly annoying when I was checking definitions every 30 seconds during an anime episode, even if I know that some of them were things I was checking just for the sake of understanding details.

This sounds workable. And yeah, I know what you mean about Maggie Sensei’s pages, particularly if you’re just looking for a quick, general explanation.

I hope you find them helpful then. I think the pictures look pretty fun, generally. Hahaha.


Congrats on the little one! Good luck on your journey this year :blush:


Didn’t really have any specific goals last year other than to improve in reading and get closer to N2. Through WK and tutoring on Preply/Italki I definitely made some progress. I couldn’t take the JLPT as it was cancelled in my country, but now I am in Japan and planning to take it in July.
No concrete goals in 2022 either, except to pass N2, continue to get better at reading, and finish a few books. I have lifetime for WK now so I’m not rushing through it, but obviously I want to get through some more kanji and vocab that may be on the N2 test. I’m using Memrise as well to make sure I’m drilling the vocab I need.


I didn’t write down any specific goals for last year (or years), but I think that has been one of the reasons I haven’t properly committed. So I’ll change that right here, right now :smiley:

I’ve done an intense 5 months crash course during my semester abroad and since then (5 years ago) I wasn’t able to establish a routine. To be honest, (re)learning Kanji has been very intimidating, especially since I’ve forgotten a lot. But that’s about to change!

2022 goals

  • establish daily vocabulary practice
  • re-read みんなの日本語 1 & finish 2
  • reach WaniKani Lvl 30 (is that realistic if it becomes part of the daily routine?)
  • read my ごん狐 book
  • start listening to podcasts
  • hopefully catch up with my previous studies to reach N4 level (again)
  • Do at least the N5 by end of the year. If I can push through the N4.

That’s all very ambitious (? maybe someone who’s done it can tell me haha), especially since I’ve got lots of stuff coming up this year. But I’ll try :slight_smile:


i would love to be able to start and finish tobira after i finish Japanese from zero 5,


Hey, welcome to the community!

That very much depends on the time you are able and willing to devote to this, but it’s not that you’ll be slacking off with this plan! :grin:
(EDIT: I realize that might sound a bit dismissive, which I did not intend at all! I wanted to say, if you can spend half a day every day on studying Japanese, then that should be smooth sailing, but if you have a full-time job and a household etc. then it’s ambitious, indeed!)
My suggestion would be to aim high (which you are doing) but not to beat yourself up when you cannot make it, and if you try to balance your diet of Japanese intake, then you will get a whole lot out of it. E.g. if you notice that it’s too much for you to do all of this, then I personally would go slower on WK (I mean, kanji are important, but grammar and vocab are more important at a beginner stage imho). And if that is still not enough, go slightly slower on everything else, but don’t drop one of the things entirely. Just my opinion though - feel free to adjust as you see fit :+1:


Thank you very much for your words of encouragement and helpful advice :relaxed:. This will help me feel not as disappointed and discouraged if I might not reach them - which is very valuable, knowing myself :smiley:.

I hope my previous knowledge and training will miraculously come back to me and at least lessen the growing pains, while I try to make it work alongside my other projects 2022.


Reading about everyone’s progress and new goals is firing me up! Good job everyone!!!

Last year I was quite inconsistent in my studies and had no goals but I did at least manage to practice reading, writing and speaking quite a bit.

This year I’m aiming for more consistent and concrete progress!

My goals for 2022 are:

  • Reach Wanikani level 35 (Currently lv. 14. Two weeks per level is a more leisurely pace that I’ll try to beat)
  • Finish all JLPT N3 grammar on Bunpro
  • Take JLPT N3

In the first half of 2021, my plan runs smoothly, but then it turns into chaos after LOL. My plan was simply to finish WK then move my focus to Bunpro & listening. Well not so bad I can get back on track in the past 2 months until level 56 (but hadn’t touched bunpro tho).

In 2022 I planned to:

  • Finish Wanikani (hopefully soon!)
  • Continuing Bunpro N4-N2
  • Take JLPT N3 on mid-year (I hope I can get the slot this year), and on end year (N2 hopefully)
  • Immersion: read manga, light novel, and podcast
  • Stay healthy

Last year I finished N3 vocab and grammar and made it to 1840/2300 kanji in the Kodansha Kanji Learner’s Course (KKLC). I also started conversation lessons (after two years of putting it off lol). I read 23 books in Japanese, including 3 novels.

I am pretty proud of my progress. I am finally getting to the point where I feel tolerably proficient. The biggest thing holding me back right now is vocabulary. There is just so much of it :flushed:

2022 goals

  • Finish the KKLC.
  • Read 30 books, of which 4 novels.
  • Read a little every day (though 250/365 would already make me plenty happy).
  • Continue with at least 2h of conversation practice a week.
  • Get into the habit of doing listening practice during my commute.
  • Continue daily(ish) penji and brush calligraphy practice.
  • Start daily(ish) shadowing practice.

There’s no specific goal for vocabulary. Currently I am content with slowly whittling down the N2 vocab. Once I have finished the KKLC, that should free up some SRS space to make the N2 vocab my primary focus and finish it in 2023. That means I might as well leave the N2 grammar for 2023 as well, in time for the December 2023 JLPT :grin:


Last year I did not have concrete plans, but for this year I want to be more clear on my goals.

  • WK Level 40
  • finish Bunpro N5 and N4 grammar points and a good chunk of N3
  • Finish Genki I and II (start on Quartet)
  • Take N4 in December
  • Read as much as I can (which is a bit vague, but don’t want to set a page count limit)

Goals for 2022:

  • Complete the N3 Exam in December
  • Get to Level 40 on Wanikani (which pretty much takes care of JLPT N3 kanji!)
  • Improve my listening comprehension by watching vlogs in Japanese without subtitles (I just found Koh’s Kentetsu Kitchen which is really good if you are into cooking and Japanese food!)

Over the holiday I bought kanji drill books from elementary 1st to 5th grades. It’s embarrassing that I can only write about 5% of the kanji I can read, so I guess my 2022 goal will be to rite gud.


Goals for 2022:

  • Realistic Goal: N4 by end of the year. Stretch Goal: N3 by the end of the year.
  • Get through both Genki I and II by years end (hopefully by mid-year)
  • Get to level 30 or 40 on WaniKani (from 2 right now, not even sure if that’s possible)
  • Start reading at least a paragraph of news, manga, etc. a day, and then slowly move up over time to pages, multiple pages, etc.
  • Manage a routine that fits within my student and work life right now.

I’d like to be more consistent with WaniKani this year, and hopefully level up about twice a month, meaning I should hopefully be level 30 by the end of the year! I’d also like to immerse myself a little more, work on grammar and perhaps get through my first novel.

Thoughhh, considering my depression only getting worse last year, my mental health should be prioritized hah


Those are super helpful! Since you bought up to 5th grade, I assume you didn’t buy 100 yen ones but Daiso has them up to 2nd or 3rd grade and a few different kinds for each level. Makes it easier to try once and buy another one after several months to see how much you’ve learned!

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I don’t know if this is realistic for just a year but i hope to be able to reach level 30 on Wanikani and be able to read Japanese on games like pokemon while not being completely clueless as to whats going on. Hopefully, i can manage.


That’s a great goal, and reminds me that I should actually read what professor Oak says on Pokémon GO and not just skip through his long-winded research tasks :joy:

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Get to level 30 or 40 on WaniKani (from 2 right now, not even sure if that’s possible)

There have been people who managed to get to level 60 in just around a year. I actually think that getting to level 30-40 in a year is a great pace! It’s relatively quick and less stressful than doing the same to level 60. If you haven’t read it yet, I recommend:

You can do it!