Wanikani level duration - not working?


Maybe I am blind but I cannot find the where the “Wanikani level duration” script shows you how many day it is since you last leveled up.

Can someone point it out to me please? :3

Link to script: https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/235-wanikani-level-duration/code

if no one can help you just go to wkstats

then put in your public API key located on the bottom of the settings page. You’ll have to generate the key if you haven’t already.

Once you install that one, you have to manually put in your API key and days since your last level up to get it running. From there it just updates itself, but you have to kind of kick start that particular script.  Did you enter that stuff yet?

Cassykins said... Once you install that one, you have to manually put in your API key and days since your last level up to get it running. From there it just updates itself, but you have to kind of kick start that particular script.  Did you enter that stuff yet?
 I see! Totally missed that! 

Yes now it is working and I can see it! Will probably level up tomorrow so will se if it updates then :D

Thank you!