Wanikani giving some wrong meanings?

So my studies outside of wanikani if came across this kanji 表 which according to wanikani means “express”
However, upon checking multiple dictionaries online I get: surface, table, chart, diagram and nothing to do with express…
Any clarification on this?



The definition WK gives is the abstract meaning where the face of something can be the outward expression of the thing.

You’ll see this when you get to the vocab:

Level 9 - 表す to express
Level 13 - 表情 facial expression
Level 23 - 表現 expression, figure of speech
Level 50 - 表彰 public acknowledgement

おもて on its own as vocab is the one that’s specifically surface or face as in the front of a building.

Also, on Jisho, the “table, chart, list” meaning is noted for when it’s used as a suffix.



Meaning #2 あらわす


If it’s only a suffix, like じん for 人, jisho will just say suffix alone. Having noun by itself first means it can stand alone as a noun.

You can say something like 表(ひょう)を見てください



if you use a word processor in japanese you’ll see it all the time

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I see now, thanks.
I use the dictionary meanings when I learn kanji outside wanikani so it is confusing which meaning to use…

It’s unlikely at this point (after existing for almost 10 years) that any of WaniKani’s meanings would be egregiously wrong. When you’re talking about the meaning in English there’s always going to be resources that don’t agree with each other. I would recommend consulting kanji dictionaries in Japanese, like the one I linked when you want to get to the bottom of some apparent contradiction. The meanings usually don’t use difficult grammar or long explanations, so it should be usable even for beginners.


Thanks for the link.
Been looking for a good Jap > Jap dictionary

“Jap” is a racial slur. Please do not use it.


I’ve been here for a few days and I’ve already seen that mistake so many times by now that I’m surprised it’s not included in the FAQ.


Well it’s not really a question, is it.

“How should I abbreviate Japanese?” Boom. Improvise, adapt, overcome.


Big boing boing energy, my comrade


Notice in the J-J dictionary the verb あらわす・あらわれる is both the act of expression transitively, and the appearance (expression) of something intransitively. It is all the same idea, we just say it slightly differently in English. Although, I feel like I’ve heard ‘expression’ used to describe a static appearance in some high falutin’ English somewhere.

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