WaniKani Content Overhaul

Can’t speak for other users, but right now, my biggest challenge is having new lessons using readings that I should know, but that I haven’t seen yet because they weren’t structured the same before the update. For example, the reading for the vocab “steadily” (着々) is ちゃくちゃく. It’s the first time I’ve encountered the ちゃく reading, and yet, the Reading Explanation section presumes that I should be familiar with this reading already.


See above:

Working on this now.

Thanks! :slight_smile:

Sent the suggestion =D

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I specifically asked you all not to bring up SJWs last night. Anyone who posts anything off-topic like that will be flagged and hidden. If you have an actual bug, issue, or problem with the update’s functionality let us know. This is not a place to debate your personal politics.


i don’t’ keep up with your posts so i had no idea you said that, in any case this was done because of what i said and that is an inconvenience to more people than were affected, you should not have made these changes for members that are already invested. i was wondering where all the negative comments are, you clearly are blocking them. I’m sure i;m not the only person disappointed with the change.


You have complete control over whether you go along with our changes or not. If you go into your settings and choose to Display Old Mnemonics, don’t read anything here, it will be like any other day where I make routine updates.

Edit: Also we haven’t blocked anyone’s negative comments. There are plenty if you want to read above.^


that is not accurate, i’m seeing the new radical names everywhere, as when you get a new Kanji and it shows you the break down, that is using new names, also the reading switch has affected me as well. the editors over looks some things it would seem.


My suggestion: try focusing less on “they changed it, now it sucks” and more on “new knowledge to take me further along the path to enlightenment!”


Assuming you’ve already changed the setting Kristen described, those are just normal content updates. Those always show up for everyone, no matter what.


there actually insn’t NEW knowledge.
and it dosn’t suck, it’s just an unnecessary inconvenience


So out of curiosity, what were some of the offensive aspects that were removed from the material? I hadn’t noticed anything in the 9 levels that I have encountered so far. Were they the ones with swear words in them? If so, those were actually kinda funny and added some charm to the deck.


We don’t actually have control over whether we go along with the changes or not, because you completely got rid of the old reading mnemonics. That change is just as big as the radical change. I know you change things all the time but they are normally minor tweaks, not a complete overhaul. It is dishonest to make them seem like the same thing. I’m not here to argue, I’m just expressing my dissatisfaction with the changes.

If you’re not going to provide support for the old reading mnemonics, can you at least provide a legacy mode that does not contain any of your new changes and won’t be updated in the future? I would really really love that. Not everyone likes your new system.


It was more that we were removing religious/cultural mnemonics that were harder for people in non-US countries to understand. The F*** mnemonic for ふく is still here. We just made sure they’re all spelled the same instead of F@%# and F###. If the KKK had to go because people in other countries didn’t know what it is, then good riddance.

There are still plenty of weird, vivid mnemonics. They’re just more consistent now.


I know yurts and hicks! North California \o/

I don’t really understand where this is coming from. Most of the changed mnemonics should have an old version you can see.

Ah, okay. Thank you for the clarification, Kristen.

Same here.

@Oshin @Abstormal

It was my first result when I Googled “hick”

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No, I can only see the old mnemonics if a kanji’s radicals have changed. If the radicals are the same there is no “old mnemonics” toggle, even if the reading mnemonics is completely different. So, for example, Charlie Sheen is completely replaced with sheep, unless that particular kanji’s radicals have also changed.