Why not send the money to people who need it? I find that Beeminder thing appaling to be honest. They are basically begging for money, I can’t believe people are falling for it.
Just knowing that website exists is bugging me to an extent I can’t explain…
I don’t really see how anyone can construe the people signing up as victims or gullible… They know what they’re doing, and the company isn’t attempting to trick anyone.
What bothers me is that people have to complain so much about it just because it doesnt appeal to them °-°
Beeminder isn’t for everyone and it never will be, but it’s neither dumb nor a scam or whatever. The point is to NOT give them money anways.
Beeminder is supposed to help you attain a goal, especially those that are hard because they require you to break old habits.
Of course you need to be able to be honest to yourself, otherwise there’s no point to it.
A friend of mine actually used it to lose weight, but he didnt track the progress himself, he made me do it. We’d go running 3 times a week and if he didn’t show up i wouldn’t update his beeminder, making him lose his pledged 10€.
And let’s be honest, running is a drag when you’re fat.
Ofc it would have been “morally superior” if he could motivate himself, but who gives a fuck?
He lost almost 30kg, is happy with his body again and still goes for a run with me 1-2 times a week, even though he cancled his pledge quite a while ago.
Long story short:
There’s good intention behind Beeminder and it actually helps people.
Quit talking poorly about something just because it isn’t for you.
In all seriousness, I hd to google around to make sure this wasn’t a scam and/or the money wasn’t sent to a charity. Surely, the money WK costs inherently wasn’t enough?
For the supremely weak-willed or wallet-stuffed, perhaps.
Mm surely if you are paying for wanikani already then by failing to use it you are wasting money? - i think that is why a lot of people prefer staying on monthly payments as it makes you feel accountable
The Beeminder thing has been around for a while. I wouldn’t use it because I like my money too much.
On the topic of things people would pay for … I could not believe that people would pay money to download a ringtone for their mobile phone. And that thing people used to do on Facebook before they replaced “wall” with “timeline” … where you pay money to throw a pretend snowball at someone.
And don’t get me started on any game which asks you to pay money to get extra ammunition … It takes some kind of genius to understand how willing people are to spend money on pretend products.
Could you imagine Koichi-san charging money for an “ignore answer” button? USD$0.05 per use would reap a fortune.
Bottled water is not a good analogy. Pet rock doesn’t do anything, it just sits there and you wouldn’t even notice it if someone throws it away.
On the other hand, water is something essential for life. No person can survive without water, and dehydration is a real danger. Sure, you can fill a bottle with tap water before you go out, but not everybody wants to, because bottled water can be heavy to lug around. Plus, even if you do, you can still run out if it’s hot out.
Also, if you go to a bar/restaurant, they don’t let you bring in your own food/beverage. You might want to drink water with your food where the tap water is not potable. Or you might want to drink carbonated water.
In places where tap water is potable, it is usually of better quality and much cheaper than water sold in bottles. Also, bottled water producers use false advertising to say that their water is of higher quality than tap water. Still, bottled water serves a purpose at times, whereas pet rocks never do.
I just mean: People got along fine before store-bought bottled water became a thing. Same with Beeminder. It all comes down to convenience. If it achieves something that people want to pay for, I’m okay with that, even if I can make do without it myself.
People got along fine before store-bought bottled water because people used to drink more alcohol. That was the safe beverage to drink, or at least safer than germ-ridden water. Either that or they had to boil the water before drinking it. Also, people travelled less so they didn’t need to carry water while travelling long hours in trains or airplanes. Again, no comparison to pet rock.
Thing is though, if the point’s not to give them money, I’m doing absolutely amazing at that already. I’ll even share my secret with you: never have anything to do with them.
Why? What would he say? I never saw him do anything other than call people stupid or use insults most people I know grew out of when they left the playground.
Staying motivated for about 1,5-2 years is virtually impossible for most people especially doing same repetitive thing daily like this. There will be many days when there is absolutely no motivation to do reviews. What ever works. Zzap is not even paying if he gets his stuff done and most likely feels like he got money prize too because money is safe.Gives concrete reason to do this daily.
I would never do that myself tho. I don’t trust myself enough to actually do reviews daily and money review slave think is kind of kinky. I feel people judge this thing way too hard here tho. Having 3 genders here is ok but this is not. Im not saying that there is anything wrong with having 3 genders but you get the point.