Video game recommendations for reading Japanese?

Eastward is a great game for that, because it has subtitles (it’s the only game I know that has subtitles). The system is a bit weird though – the subtitles are always in the language you set the game for, but the language of dialogues can be set separately. One would expect it to be the other way around – the dialogues should be in the language you set the game for and the subtitles should be customisable, but oh well, it’s not a big deal.

So, you can set your game to Japanese and the dialogue language for English (which is what I did) – then everything except for dialogues will be in Japanese and the dialogues would be in English but with Japanese subtitles.
Or you can set the game to English – then everything except dialogues would be in English and the dialogues would be in Japanese, but with English subtitles.