[Userscript] WaniKani Katakana Madness

Heiopei said...
Impressioniste said... Some kanji readings do not show in katakana for me.

The script works for most characters but some, like 皆 are in hiragana.

Is this a known bug?

 みな、みんな are the kun’yomi readings.

These are supposed to stay as Hiragana.

 Oooh that makes sense! Thanks!

Very nice. I always thought this would be a good feature.

This is immensely powerful for me. The level of work it took to go through and properly identify all the ON and KUN readings must have been ridiculous. While the ON in katakana convention isn’t really required it’ll definitely been good additional exposure to katakana.


It wasn’t that bad, wanikani saves the kanji together with the reading it is looking for. ^^

On’yomi reading is Chinese reading (old one) hence Katakana to represent them. it’s like that in most dictionaries.

aah, so it was less for education and more for accuracy?

Hey :slight_smile:
would it be possible to give the user the option to NOT automatically convert the input into Katakana? Cause I want to test myself if I can remember if the reading was kun’yomi or on’yomi. And if the script does that for me, I don’t have to remember ^^’

Thank you a lot in advance!

Just wanted to add my 2 cents: The convention to use Katakana for On’yomi makes perfect sense, since Katakana is generally used for loanwords (and sound effects, but that’s another topic). Plus of course, it makes it easier to differentiate between the readings in a dictionary.

btw, the Kanji lattice shows all readings of a given Kanji in the same form (either all Hiragana or all Katakana) for me with this script.

Thank you for the feedback. :slight_smile:

Sadly there is no good way to fix this because wanikani saves the readings on this page without differentiating them. I could load them for each lattice from their kanji page but this would be a lot to load I guess. :confused:

It seems that between either WK or the script, some part of the IME was updated and it no longer accepts onyomi readings ending in ん if you don’t type n twice. for example, I used to be able to press enter when “カN” was showing for a かん reading, but now it gives the angry text box shake until you type a second n or ’ or whatever to convert it to ン first.


@Luke-Filewalker started having on’yomi/katakana answers marked as wrong, even when the correct reading shown is still in katakana - just started happening today

It’s not working for me, but I’m not sure why…

Everything is still in Hiragana.

The point is that you’ll see the on’yomi readings in other websites and almost everywhere in katakana since it is not Japanese (it is Chinese reading), also, it might help you being fluent in reading katakana, to master Japanese (or be at least good at it) you need to know Hiragana, Katakana and Kanji. So if you are in contact with katakana it will be easier to use it when needed.

Will this work with the recent update or WaniKani? Since some On’yomi and Kun’yomi have changed …

New version is online with an updated list. :slight_smile:


Great, thank you! :slight_smile:

I think this is a great idea. But I have mixed feelings on it. When you type or write sentences in JP wont it be kanji or hiragana anyway?

If you’re typing out kanji words, you’re going to be pressing spacebar to get the appropriate kanji to display.

This userscript is fantastic for passively learning which readings are on’yomi or kun’yomi, and also helps you get used to reading/recognizing all the カタカナ way faster. I’d consider it one of my essential WK scripts.

I just wanted to say thank you for this script!
Helps me practicing my katakana (curse on you シ, ツ, ソ and ン!) and adding a bit of realism, just like when I’m looking up a word in a dictionary!

I like this script and find it useful for practice reading katakana, but after the WaniKani content update I started noticing something strange. When doing lessons sometimes (not always) when using the keyboard shortcut to play the audio reading it would actually play the audio from the previous lesson. Clicking the speaker icon next to the text reading would play the correct audio, just the keyboard shortcut (J) would be off. I tried turning off userscripts and the problem stopped, and I think I’ve narrowed it down to Katakana Madness as the offending script. It’s not a big deal, but I thought the author should know.

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