[Userscript] WaniKani Just The Vocab (Skip Radicals and Kanji)

ichitaka said...
BreadstickNinja said...
 Breadstick... really... 


Are lol and your level of JLPT your only comebacks? 

AngelTenshi said... Are lol and your level of JLPT your only comebacks? 
has this conversation become this firepower-type thing? fire a bullet here, comeback there... eh...

forgottenmems said... This is a collab between me and my boyfriend and is my one and only true contribution to this site lol I thought of the idea and he implemented it. I generally hate giving away weeks or months of work for free, but it was a tiny one day project and so I decided to upload it.

Description: Skips radicals and kanji by automatically and invisibly getting them right in your WaniKani reviews so that you only see vocabulary reviews. For those who feel that vocabulary is all that is necessary and just happen to like WaniKani's interface and word list better than other SRS programs.

And the link: 
You approach kinda reminds me of that guy Niko (NihongoShark), except that his method "teaches" Kanji without the readings, but just the relative meaning in English... You learn the vocabulary only, right?

With both his and your approach, you end up drilling pronunciations for each vocabulary word instead of piecing the Kanji readings that you already know. On NihongoShark, I guess you make mnemonics for the meaning of the Kanji according to its radicals... WaniKani takes it a step further and makes the mnemonics fit the readings...

Eh... I honestly prefer learning the readings because I happen upon compound Kanji vocabulary almost every day that I can read on the spot, and confirm by using rikaikun(chan). Plus, I get a little guessing game of figuring out the meaning of the word from its Kanji, and that's kinda fun.

ichitaka said...
AngelTenshi said... Are lol and your level of JLPT your only comebacks? 
has this conversation become this firepower-type thing? fire a bullet here, comeback there... eh...

forgottenmems said... This is a collab between me and my boyfriend and is my one and only true contribution to this site lol I thought of the idea and he implemented it. I generally hate giving away weeks or months of work for free, but it was a tiny one day project and so I decided to upload it.

Description: Skips radicals and kanji by automatically and invisibly getting them right in your WaniKani reviews so that you only see vocabulary reviews. For those who feel that vocabulary is all that is necessary and just happen to like WaniKani's interface and word list better than other SRS programs.

And the link: 
You approach kinda reminds me of that guy Niko (NihongoShark), except that his method "teaches" Kanji without the readings, but just the relative meaning in English... You learn the vocabulary only, right?

With both his and your approach, you end up drilling pronunciations for each vocabulary word instead of piecing the Kanji readings that you already know. On NihongoShark, I guess you make mnemonics for the meaning of the Kanji according to its radicals... WaniKani takes it a step further and makes the mnemonics fit the readings...

Eh... I honestly prefer learning the readings because I happen upon compound Kanji vocabulary almost every day that I can read on the spot, and confirm by using rikaikun(chan). Plus, I get a little guessing game of figuring out the meaning of the word from its Kanji, and that's kinda fun.

aniustaluwis said......
it kind of worked, but after coming to wk I found that when I learned the kanji in the word, I understood the word better, and I became better equipped to guess meanings and readings of words I didn't know, learning how readings work and how words are put together, and even learn to sort of guess at the readings of some kanji I don't know.
 Literally same thing for me.

Another “Do as I did and you’ll learn Japanese in no time”, method.


And another.

And another.

ichitaka said...
AngelTenshi said... Are lol and your level of JLPT your only comebacks? 
has this conversation become this firepower-type thing? fire a bullet here, comeback there... eh...

forgottenmems said... This is a collab between me and my boyfriend and is my one and only true contribution to this site lol I thought of the idea and he implemented it. I generally hate giving away weeks or months of work for free, but it was a tiny one day project and so I decided to upload it.

Description: Skips radicals and kanji by automatically and invisibly getting them right in your WaniKani reviews so that you only see vocabulary reviews. For those who feel that vocabulary is all that is necessary and just happen to like WaniKani's interface and word list better than other SRS programs.

And the link: 
You approach kinda reminds me of that guy Niko (NihongoShark), except that his method "teaches" Kanji without the readings, but just the relative meaning in English... You learn the vocabulary only, right?

With both his and your approach, you end up drilling pronunciations for each vocabulary word instead of piecing the Kanji readings that you already know. On NihongoShark, I guess you make mnemonics for the meaning of the Kanji according to its radicals... WaniKani takes it a step further and makes the mnemonics fit the readings...

Eh... I honestly prefer learning the readings because I happen upon compound Kanji vocabulary almost every day that I can read on the spot, and confirm by using rikaikun(chan). Plus, I get a little guessing game of figuring out the meaning of the word from its Kanji, and that's kinda fun.

 Yeah but not really.. I did at one time check out the NihongoShark site.. not much tho and I don't know anything about it anymore except for what you just said...

My method is the same as I was doing before WaniKani when I was just reading Japanese daily with the help of rikaichan or a dictionary (but on the side it's just now includes SRS on Wanikani) which is: 

You can still guess the readings and meanings of words based on the kanji bc you know the readings and meanings of those kanji from the other vocab you've learned in Wanikani. I know this bc I did it before just by reading Japanese on a regular basis .. you'll begin to say "Oh yeah I recognize this kanji from the other word I learned and oh it's meaning prob is similar to this new vocab word".  
1 Like

First, I’d like to ask everyone to refrain from doing any insulting personal remarks. Let’s keep this an academic discussion.
Forgottenmemsさん claims that you can actually learn the kanji through vocabulary and therefore there is no need to learn them separately.
That might be true, but I find this way of learning kanji to be much harder than doing it WaniKani’s way. You have to do extra work to separate the kanji from the vocabulary words, while at WaniKani it’s already been done; all you have to do is look at the kanji and read through the mnemonics. Also, I find that learning WaniKani radicals really helps remembering the kanji. When I see a new kanji outside WaniKani, the first thing I do is divide it into WK radicals and create my own mnemonics.
So, to put it simply, forgottenmemesさん has provided an alternative way of using WaniKani. Whether or not it’s more effective, compared to the the way it’s intended to be used - is an open question. I daresay, it greatly depends on the person. For me such a method definitely wouldn’t work - I would have given up soon because of the extra work. I find that WaniKani’s way suits me best. As for other people - well, everyone should decide for themselves.


But seriously, as someone who spends a lot of time (years) contributing to open source for zero profit the tone of “oh I don’t like giving away hard work” does rub me the wrong way. That said, I think a lot of the hostility here is because this is directly against one one wanikani’s unofficial (I want to say rule but it’s not really a rule so instead) creed.

Yeah I agree with トランクさん, learning kanji just from doing vocab alone may be possible, but I think it is less efficient. I wouldn’t do it unless I really had to.

And I guess there also comes the question of whether or not it is worth it, since you still have to pay for a subscription. Maybe if the interface of other SRS apps were a serious enough problem that you may feel worth it to pay to use wanikani, but because wanikani vocab isn’t enough, you’ll still have to learn additional vocab with a non-wk SRS app so we’re back where we started.

themuteone said…But seriously, as someone who spends a lot of time (years) contributing to open source for zero profit the tone of “oh I don’t like giving away hard work” does rub me the wrong way.
I felt the same way and have to agree with this.

ichitaka said...
AngelTenshi said... Are lol and your level of JLPT your only comebacks? 
has this conversation become this firepower-type thing? fire a bullet here, comeback there... eh...

 Yeah, you're not funny. 3/10 Try again. 

It's just a choice of words. She thinks better than everybody because I assume she's JLPT level 1? 2? Which is really annoying. 

 Yeah, you're not funny. 3/10 Try again. 

It's just a choice of words. She thinks better than everybody because I assume she's JLPT level 1? 2? Which is really annoying. 
 If she were JLPT N1 she wouldn't do WaniKani or read easy reviews on Amazon for that matter. ;)
embe said...

 Yeah, you're not funny. 3/10 Try again. 

It's just a choice of words. She thinks better than everybody because I assume she's JLPT level 1? 2? Which is really annoying. 
 If she were JLPT N1 she wouldn't do WaniKani or read easy reviews on Amazon for that matter. ;)
 But she did say she  doesn't really do Wani Kani because quote, "I believe SRS is actually not the best way to study Japanese.. I spend most of my time reading, writing, speaking, and listening to Japanese literally that's all I do no SRS attached.. it's just when I get bored or tired of that bc it's taxing then I do something more brain dead like SRS." 

If she's not that high a level, then I don't get why she was being so snarky about JLPT levels then. It really dosen't make sense if this were to happen:

" Well, what JPLT level are you?"
"Actually I'm 2."
" Oh lol, I thought you'd say 5, I'm 4."

But whatever, If I've made a mistake, my apologies~

Yeah if she doesn’t find SRS very useful, why go to the trouble of paying for wanikani even if it’s the only srs system she likes? I’m also curious as to what magical method she has for efficiently learning thousands of vocabulary that isn’t srs. If I don’t put vocab through srs, I am more likely to have to look it up over and over and less likely to actually retain it.

Maybe she just has a very good memory and doesn’t have to rely on srs. But unfortunately that’s not true for all of us. My memory sucks, that’s why I use srs.

Guys, this is the user that “fixed” doublevil’s opensource program HouHou to better suit her needs and offered to sell him the fix.  Leave it.

btw houhou is great and you should check it out :wink:

(page 47 shows the stated opinion on opensource software)

Why would you sell modified open source software? Doesn’t that defeat the purpose of open source and violate the usual open source license terms?

aniustaluwis said... Why would you sell modified open source software? Doesn't that defeat the purpose of open source and violate the usual open source license terms?
 Start reading on page 40.  Let's not rehash the discussion here.  This script may be useful to someone, so i'd rather not have a thread in the API section locked down.  

Or start a campfire thread for a community discussion on the merits/detriments to opensource.
aniustaluwis said... Why would you sell modified open source software? Doesn't that defeat the purpose of open source and violate the usual open source license terms?
It actually depends on the license. Commercial projects may use modified open source projects and be very right to do so. But it's a different topic. Lotelia was talking about attempting to sell some code modification back to the author of an open source project, which is... yeah.

But let's not loop back to that old quarrel please!

Oh geez. I’m reading that discussion and this is a complete mess. I can see now why Breadstick reacted with such hostility.

Anyway I think I’ve said all that I can think of to say so I’ll try to leave this alone.

Did not read through all the comments but you should put a warning on this script that users will miss out on such awesome kanjis as Lapiz Lazuli or whatever it’s called.

Oh yeah i just remembered, some later kanji apparently do not have any vocab like 亮, so if you only use wanikani as a vocab srs you’ll be missing out on some kanji as well

^ and 瑠 now that I went to go look at it in the database. Sorry I didn’t realize that was probably what you meant to say.