[Userscript] Wanikani Heatmap

It looks like heatmap had an update, and that has broken it so it no longer shows for me. :frowning:

I was using heatmap as a way to see how well I’m doing, since the summary page was removed. I would hate to lose all my heatmap data, so I don’t want to try reinstalling or playing with it. I can change the settings on the wanikani page, so it is installed and turned on
 it just doesn’t display.


@Kumirei Hi, can you please help us check?

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Yes it’s disappeared for me too. Also Item Inspector is not appearing. Don’t know if the issues are connected. I’m using Chrome.



I actually hit the reinstall button thinking it’s something on my end even though I knew there was an update. Hopefully that doesn’t mess anything up for me. If not for the heatmap, I wouldn’t be as motivated. I believe I can easily get to 300+ streaks

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It stopped working for me as well


Same here, dead. : /


same for me as well
I wish they would at least add a standard feature to keep track of reviews per day. I try to do at least 100 per day but it’s impossible to keep track with vanilla WK


Seems like the version number 1251299 was accidentally pasted in the wrong line. I think the two @requires should instead be:

// @require      https://greasyfork.org/scripts/410909-wanikani-review-cache/code/Wanikani:%20Review%20Cache.js?version=1193344
// @require      https://greasyfork.org/scripts/410910-heatmap/code/Heatmap.js?version=1251299

That fixed it for me! Thank you!


oh this fixed it, thanks


Also worked for me^

On an unrelate note, “clear all reviews from this day” is a lie? Doesn’t remove anything for me. I used the “manually register reviews” feature and unhappilly found out the date entered doesnt line up to which day it goes in the heatmap. I also hit the register button many times. So I wante to remove the fake 2000 reviews I added to the wrong day. :melting_face:

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Oops, sorry about that! Should be fixed now


It seems to be working as expected for me. Can you check the console (F12 → Console) for errors when trying to delete reviews?

Thank you so much man, it worked.
I currently have a streak of 1197 and your heatmap is what has kept me going.
Keep up the good work!
(I’d donate a few bucks if there was some kind of platform to do that, but your website ended up being a rickroll)

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Always happy to oblige upside_down_face
Regarding donations I did set up a tip jar a few months back when someone was particularly insistent. It’s at the bottom of my userscripts thread if you are interested

I attempted to clear my 11 reviews for today to see if it didn’t work in other days too. Well, it cleared my 500 reviews from yesterday instead.

Screenshot is from failing the 2000 clears

edit: tried again

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What timezone are you in?

AEST, and I have heatmap new day set to 8pm

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Hi @Kumirei
I am a newbie with Wanikani. While learning through various post, I found this “Wanikani Heatmap”
Can you help sharing the step-by-step installation on this script ? ( FYI: I am not a tech expert)