Yes, it should. I’m not sure what went wrong, but I’ll try to set aside some time to look into it. Thanks for the heads-up!
No problem! Btw this happened for pretty much every other Kana only vocabulary, too, that are written in Katakana, I just forgot to take screenshots for them.
How do I get the quiz to display the answer when I incorrectly answer?
Click the “?” icon, or press one of the hotkeys “F1”, “Ctrl-H”, or “?”.
You can see the hotkeys by hovering over each of the buttons in the Quiz interface.
Just installed and started using the WaniKani Self-Study Quiz. Very cool. Just what I was looking for to do additional quizzing with more control over the scope. I realize this was built a few years ago, and am curious if more info exists for fine-tuning. After doing a couple of self-study quizzes, the Remaining item count is locked on 17,831, which seems to be the entire database, even though i’m only at Level 3 in my person progress. The first few times running through it “All Learned Items” reflected only the small subset that I had learned. Now it’s set to full. Is there somewhere I can learn about resetting this? or finding out what I’ve done wrong? You’re way more advanced than I am, so all i can think to do is uninstall and re-install and see if the “All Learned Items” collection reverts back to a smaller set.
It’s probably a setting that got changed. Could you post a snapshot of the Items tab in the settings, with the “All Learned Items” preset selected?
Ahh, the problem is that Locked is checked. Items on future levels are technically considered Locked.
If you want to include Locked on the current level without including future levels, you can leave Locked checked, check the Level filter, and set the Level criteria to 1..+0
, which means from level 1 to your current level (technically, current level + 0).
That did it. Thank you. And thanks again for this cool tool.
Great script, love it. Is there a way to make the window bigger though? When doing English to Japanese quizzes, the text goes on top of the other elements.
I think I found another bug.
I created a custom preset that only includes kanji, and this worked fine enough, but after finishing a set and clicking on “New Quiz”, it no longer limits the selection to just kanji and instead seems to load all kinds of cards. To work around this I had to manually switch to a different preset and back to my kanji-only preset. I’m also using the Additional Filters script.
EDIT: Hmm, odd, this seems to have happened only once? The second time it worked just fine so maybe just a one-time bug.
Thanks for the feedback! I won’t have time to work on scripts for at least a few months, but I have your posts above for reference when I do get back to it.
Hi there,
First, thanks for the hard work for this very useful userscript!
I can use it, but on Safari it won’t show certain buttons:
Have a great time everybody!
Many thanks,
Ever since WK made its latest update I lost those same buttons to show what the correct answers are and I use Chrome. Hopefully it’ll be fixed in the future
I’m using Wanikani Item Inspector paired with self-study script. it works with the new update.
WOW! Thanks for pointing this out
Per @prouleau requirements, I have:
Open Framework
OF Addl Filter - DO NOT HAVE
Self Study Quiz
Kanji Stroke Order Font - DO NOT HAVE
Apparently if I want to study Leeches, I HAVE TO install the Addl Filters, correct?
I’m going to skip the Kanji Stroke Order since I’m not into writing kanji!
Question: If I install WK Item Inspector, then I assume I can use Self Study Quiz from my existing script as well as from inside WKII. Assuming my original SSQ script will be fixed in the future so ALL buttons are functional again, is there an advantage to using SSQ from inside WKII?
At the moment I’m not sure if I will install WKII because using it to its full potential is going to be rather time consuming to figure how how all of it works. I read @prouleau’s post with all of its ifs, ands, buts, then ifs, etc!
But it is impressive as to what it can do! Another factor is I’m one of those who don’t like to download things…it took me about a year before I FINALLY gave in to using Double checker to avoid continuing problems with my poor typing skills!!!
This is correct.
I’m having the same problem since yesterday using both Chrome and Edge.
What a legend:
What a fantastic use of synonyms!