[Userscript] Detailed Timestamps


I am keeping mine like this forever.


“You missed this post by 4m”


“You’ve been Leebo’d by 4m”



I like the “You’ve been Leebo’d”. But I am still ultimately going to make mine so that it gives factored Unix seconds, because that is the kind of nerd that I am.

What do you mean, “factored”?
(because that makes me think “1579287621 = 3 × 61 × 73 × 118219”)

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like this


I tried it and it still doesn’t work, and the error is still there so it comes from somewhere else.

@Kumirei The only other script I have for the forum is the golden burn one and I tried turning that off but it made no difference.

Thanks for trying, both of you. :green_heart:

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Is it possible to make this script work on the badge pages? I saw it was my cake day yesterday, so I expected to get my second anniversary badge soon and went to check the date for my first one and thought it said “Jan the 20th”. Basically the same thing as with the original 17 vs '17.


Sure, I will put it on my list

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Actually, I can’t. They don’t separate the date from the text, and they don’t provide any easily parsable date, so it’s pretty much impossible to do if you don’t want it to break in different languages.


Of course, it is doable, but I don’t think it’s worth the effort

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Ahh, then it’s probably not worth it. Oh well. Thanks for looking into it :slight_smile:

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Can’t believe I missed this script until now. Thanks Kumirei! This has been a thorn in my side :hugs:

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Sometimes Oftentimes it doesn’t work unless I refresh the page :caught_durtling: Anything that can be done to prevent that?

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Yeah, I am working on it. I would already have fixed it if it my planned fix didn’t come with a nasty memory leak bug that I have yet to figure out sweat_smile

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ohno, not the leaky bugs :caught_durtling: Am counting on you! :3

like wow, kumi on the case already

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I’m late to the party.

This is absolutely my kind of script! I looooove smart little tweaks like this that have a big impact on overall user experience.

Thank you!


It’s not really working right now, but I’ll update it as soon as I can